Should I Buy APS CS4 Extended?

3 replies
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I want to start designing some first class banners/ebooks for my sites. I've tried paint and gimp but I don't think they can match Adobe.

My questions are:

1. Do you recommend CS4 for a beginner in designing?
2. How easy is it to learn how to make sleek designs?
3. Should I buy the training dvd that comes with it?
4. Do you have any extra information that could be helpful?

#aps #buy #cs4 #extended
  • Profile picture of the author Trixxie12
    Photoshop can be quite tricky for a newbie.. There are quite alot of tutorials on youtube that will help you.

    If you can afford it, go ahead otherwise torrents are your friend!
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    Hi legitimatefreestuff

    You really are not talking about the entire CS$ suite but Photoshop. It is a great program, but it does have a learning curve to it. I have used it for years and still don't use everything that it can do. You can find a ton of free tutorials on Photoshop on the Net, just Google them.....

    Many of the other apps in the suite are just as large...

    I will say that I got CS4, but went back to CS3 after having MAJOR issues with the new Dreamweaver (DW). The eiditor has some bugs in it and I spent almost a week fighting with it.... Then read the Adobe forum and found out I was not the only one with this issue.

    I design website for a living so the editor I use is critical to me. DW is a good one (CS3)

    If you want to make eBooks, I am NOT a big fan of Acrobat. I own it, but prefer Nitro PDF. It is easier and cheaper for turning your files into PDF files.

    Depending on what I am writing, I either make my files in MS Word or MS Publisher then convert them into PDF files for distribution.

    I have tried a sach full of different PDF creators and Nitro is the one I like best....

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Siti Hanipah
    you should not spend more money to learn photoshop. feature in photoshop like GIMP, but photoshop have more feature that powerfull. just little adaptaion to work with photoshop. you can find tutorial for on internet. just search on google what tou want to learn?
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