PPC TO CPA Making Money Is About The Market Not The Offer - Example Case Study
While I will be the first to admit SEO is a major part of marketing, and everyone should use it, I know from my own experiences that being at the mercy of the Google Algorithm is not a good way to build a long term business.
With PPC You can choose your keywords, laser target your customers and direct those visitors to a page of your choosing. No other medium when mastered correctly can give such effective results.
So let's turn all the PPC To CPA Guru stuff I keep reading on its head, and look it at from an alternative side.. a side that works, and will make you money, not just today, but long term if you implement it.
STOP choosing CPA offers, and START choosing a market.
When I use Adwords either for my own business, or for my clients, the first thing I have to do is understand what the market is and who the customers are for the product.
What does that mean ? Well , let us take 2 similar products from the Neverblue network they emailed me this week
Premium **** Slim or **** Force Max for Men These are 2 **** Products. But the Vertical ( as Neverblue Call it ) is Diet.
My point is ,products come and go, the market doesn't, What is hot this month, may not be hot next month, last year it was Hoodia, today it is **** Berry, Next Month ?. You see, the market is what counts.
If you really want to make money with CPA, or indeed any service, you need to choose a Market first, learn that market and then dominate that market.
I have made my living online since 1996 and done Pay Per Click marketing since 2002 , back then you only had to load up as many keywords as you could think of , all of them cost about 5 cents each, and away you went. It was pretty easy money back then. Ah " the good old days"
But the market has changed, Google now are king ( Back then it was Overture ) and in these days of Quality Scores, Landing Page Optimisations and Google Slaps, You have to use a system that fits with the way Google want you to work. You can bitch and moan all you like about Google, but they ain't listening to you ! Adapt or Die, it's that simple.
Why Choose A Market And Not A Product
I will give you a real example that I have used myself shortly, but just for a second, let me elaborate on the **** and Diet topic as it is such a common theme at the moment.
When you use PPC marketing, be it Adwords, or one of the other services, there is a certain rule that applies every time.
You Must Understand The Search Continuum
That means you have to identify with the person who is entering the search keyword, why do they enter that term, where are they in the buying cycle etc. To make money with a product, you have to understand the person who will be your customer, put simply, you find out what they want, and give them it.
Now let's take the product, **** Force Max for Men - Now think market
It Is a Diet and Weight Loss Product
It is aimed at Men
Also by looking at landing pages for the product, I can see what the product owners are using to help make me sign up.
" get ripped abs "
" lose weight "
" Hollywood's hottest diet "
" boost energy levels "
Did you get some keyword ideas there ?
So your customer is..
1 A MAN ( I think most of us figured that one out )
2 A Man who wants to lose weight.
He may also be a man searching for getting ripped, or getting 6 pack abs.
So now put yourself in the shoes of the Man who sat at his computer screen this morning and decided he needs to lose that gut that is hanging over his pants .... what is he going to type into google ?
best diet for men ?
weight loss for men?
diets for men?
lose belly fat ?
fast weight loss ?
diet pills that work ?
My point ? What we are doing here is choosing the Male Weight Loss Market, not that product.
What the customer wants, is to lose weight. Give him what he wants.
I would build my own landing pages, with my own tracking, and capture that users name and email address. WHY ?
Because I now have a male subscriber to a list that I know is wanting to lose weight.
Yes I can send him to the **** Burn Product, but I also now have the option to offer him exercise programmes, 6 pack abs products, Other networks CPA offers or any future CPA offer that would fit his profile. When he is on MY LIST I don't have to decide if Clickbank or CPA Network offers are how I should make money, I simply choose a product I think fits the customer, and tell him about it. The customer has lifetime value to me.
So, just to repeat it, I don't choose a product first, I choose a market first. I would make my decision on do I want to sell to the Male Weight Loss market, if the answer is yes, I will set about understanding who my customer is. There will never be a shortage of products you can sell to Men who want to lose weight, but if all you do is send traffic to that one offer, when the offer is gone, so is your income stream, and you have to start again.
Let me shout it out Using PPC to Send Traffic to CPA offers is NOT a viable long term profitable business. The people you see telling you the money is in the list know something !
With PPC costs rising, you need a sound business plan to make money, even if you are a successful affiliate marketer, you need to start to own the customer, that way the power is with you. Google is making it harder and harder for affiliates to do this the easy way, It is time to build it as a business.
I promised a real life example so here it is
PPC to CPA - Payday Loans
Although I was using CPA offers for Payday loans, In my view I was in the debt market.
I got into this market back in 2007 I used different CPA offers from different networks, often at the same time.
I chose the market for these reasons.
1 Repeat business - The customer who takes a payday loan, will in most cases want another one soon.
2 A number of different offers from different networks were available to promote.
3 The Economic climate meant this market is strong.
4 Potential to sell additional services to customers
Who Is My Customer ?
There is a saying in marketing, " give the customer what he wants, then educate him to what he needs "
My customer is someone who has financial problems, is short of money, and believes they require a short term payday loan . They most likely have credit card debts, and serious credit problems.
Long term reality - They need debt advice and debt help. That is what they need, but in their mind, at the time they are searching, they just want a loan,they think a quick cash fix will solve the problem, so you give them what they want - The Payday Loan - and educate them to what they need ( via regular email marketing ) Debt Help. With that process I make money twice.
Selling to this customer
Potential products for this customer
Payday Loans
Logbook Loans
Cash 4 Gold type offers
Debt Management/ Advice Services
Pay As You Go Visa/Mastercard services.
Rebuild Your Credit
Reducing Monthly Bills Services
One of the easiest sales is when you can play on human emotion: In this market example, that is very easy to do.
Getting this type of customer to fill out your form is not a hard sell, they want a loan, You tell them if they fill out the form with name and email your going to present the best payday loan option for them and fast.
If you structure your landing pages in the right way, You conversion rates will be high.
In this market my lowest landing page optin rate for a keyword was 20% the Average was 45%
Because I had captured the customer, and not just sent them directly to one of the CPA offers, I know exactly what my conversion rates on each keyword are, and I have the luxury of testing different payday loan offers, to see which ones work.
I could also send weekly emails to the list including any new CPA cash advance services that came out.
I can also make my own direct lead deals with companies if my volume is high enough ( I have done this in the UK Debt Market )
I still make money off this list from users who signed up in 2007.
Has the cost of keywords gone up in this market ? Yes, but I still have a list. Can You still make money in this market ? Yes, but not if you try sending traffic direct. Why not ? Because with the system I just described I can outbid you on the words that I know work, I will make more off the customer than you will ( you are free to have the keywords that don't ! )
This actually gives you an answer to the " how are people making money in xxxx market when cost of clicks are xxxx "
Ok this may not always be true, I will explain about the Idiots in a moment, but if you keep seeing the same people in the same spots, long term, then you can be sure it is making them money.
It is not my style to band around figures of what I make, It must be my English reserve, I keep it to the facts of the work I do in terms of PPC ROI so let me just say that this market brings me over 100% ROI on PPC investment.
One thing you have to understand about PPC and especially Adwords.
There 2 types of people bidding on keywords
1 Smart Marketers
2 Idiots !
Idiots tend to be either
A ) Large corporation's with more money than sense, who bid high to be at the top of the page with no idea of if the keyword is valuable or not
B) PPC newbies, who pay any price they see for a high volume obvious keyword ( **** Berry Anyone ? ) until they have no money left. with only 11 first page spots to go at on a competitive term, trust me, there are more Idiots than there are spots available !
Smart Markers know their ROI, they know what they can afford to bid on a keyword to purchase a customer. They know to the cent what each keyword bid is worth, they track and test everything. THEY KNOW THEIR MARKET
My advice, Choose a market where you can sell to a customer more than once, trust me, applying just that one criteria to your marketing plan will make it easier trying to pick a CPA offer to promote.
Marketing lots of different offers in different markets may work well for SEO or Article marketers, but it is not my area of expertise, Adwords pay per click is, and my advice to you is choose one market and then learn to understand who your customer is first.
To summarise If you really want to make money with PPC To CPA start thinking like the smart marketers and stop following the pack,learn to dominate one market first, if you are going to use Pay Per Click to drive traffic, you have to understand the keyword conversation. The secret... if there ever was a secret, to making money on CPA offers with PPC is not the offer, but the keywords the customer uses to search for what he or she wants.
Ok fellow Warriors, that is all from me, I hope this different view of the PPC to CPA marketing is of use to you.
Take care everyone
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Alex Mirabeau
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