Bing ads campaign help

by greda
8 replies
I'm promoting clickbank product with bing ads from 5 days, so far i got 85 clicks and only 9 optins to my landing page, 20$ spend, no sales, how i get more optins?
I don't have enough budget to track the ads

please check my status

Ads status
View image: ads status

Keyword status
View image: keyword status

Hope i get some help
#ads #bing #campaign
  • Profile picture of the author zuberr
    9 optins from 85 clicks is actually not bad, but 9 optins may be way too less to make a sale, especially for a CB product. Since you've already spent $20 for it, it seems to me your campaign is not gonna be profitable.

    You better find another source of traffic that'll cost you less (or free). Then optimize your landing page to increase the optin conversation. 85 clicks so far is nothing. You need 1000's to test and tweak your funnel and fully optimize it.

    You are already on the right track though, keep working.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10688129].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author webmarke
      Originally Posted by zuberr View Post

      9 optins from 85 clicks is actually not bad, but 9 optins may be way too less to make a sale, especially for a CB product. Since you've already spent $20 for it, it seems to me your campaign is not gonna be profitable.

      You better find another source of traffic that'll cost you less (or free). Then optimize your landing page to increase the optin conversation. 85 clicks so far is nothing. You need 1000's to test and tweak your funnel and fully optimize it.

      You are already on the right track though, keep working.
      You can not predict if a campaign is going to be profitable after only 85 clicks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10688220].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author greda
      Originally Posted by zuberr View Post

      9 optins from 85 clicks is actually not bad, but 9 optins may be way too less to make a sale, especially for a CB product. Since you've already spent $20 for it, it seems to me your campaign is not gonna be profitable.

      You better find another source of traffic that'll cost you less (or free). Then optimize your landing page to increase the optin conversation. 85 clicks so far is nothing. You need 1000's to test and tweak your funnel and fully optimize it.

      You are already on the right track though, keep working.
      Which Traffic you suggest?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10689579].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by zuberr View Post

      9 optins from 85 clicks is actually not bad, but 9 optins may be way too less to make a sale, especially for a CB product. Since you've already spent $20 for it, it seems to me your campaign is not gonna be profitable.

      You better find another source of traffic that'll cost you less (or free). Then optimize your landing page to increase the optin conversation. 85 clicks so far is nothing. You need 1000's to test and tweak your funnel and fully optimize it.

      You are already on the right track though, keep working.
      You can't determine that a campaign isn't going to be profitable after spending only $20.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10697650].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Is it your own landing page where you are collecting the lead and have full control over your pages? Its a must so you can install a tracking pixel to track with adgroups and keywords are converting for you.

    After you have your tracking installed on your thank you or welcome page you need to work on your ads and or your landing page so it converts. Hey you are getting numbers so your off to a start. Now you need to optimize to get better numbers and eventually a ROI

    Keep your daily budget low till you get a decent conversion and hopefully gather some earnings per clicks then you can scale up your traffic.
    Working to achieve higher results...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10688226].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Cisco120
    Originally Posted by greda View Post

    I'm promoting clickbank product with bing ads from 5 days, so far i got 85 clicks and only 9 optins to my landing page, 20$ spend, no sales, how i get more optins?
    I don't have enough budget to track the ads

    please check my status

    Ads status
    View image: ads status

    Keyword status
    View image: keyword status

    Hope i get some help
    I agree with most of the other posters here. You really can't tell just yet. Apply, test and refine. I've spoken to a few of the support staff and Bing Ads and what they say is that in order for you to really test and find out how your ads are doing, it's recommended to run your campaign for a month. However, 2 weeks will give you a good idea of how your ads are "currently" performing.

    Truth is, your budget is good. And you're getting some traction! That's fantastic. 9 opt-ins is a fantastic number with a low budget. So keep it up! You're doing great. Just don't quit when you're 3 feet from gold.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10694731].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author greda
      Originally Posted by Cisco120 View Post

      I agree with most of the other posters here. You really can't tell just yet. Apply, test and refine. I've spoken to a few of the support staff and Bing Ads and what they say is that in order for you to really test and find out how your ads are doing, it's recommended to run your campaign for a month. However, 2 weeks will give you a good idea of how your ads are "currently" performing.

      Truth is, your budget is good. And you're getting some traction! That's fantastic. 9 opt-ins is a fantastic number with a low budget. So keep it up! You're doing great. Just don't quit when you're 3 feet from gold.
      I hope i get that gold
      thank you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10697592].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Cisco120
    I believe a lot of people can benefit from this excerpt Greda and I had. So after asking for permission, I'm posting it for all of you to see it too!

    Originally Posted by greda:

    Thank you for replying to my post
    I would love to share my campaign with you:

    My promotion offer (thank you page)
    ~~link removed for privacy~~

    My landing page
    ~~link removed for privacy~~

    my ad titles
    ~~link removed for privacy~~

    my keywords
    ~~link removed for privacy~~

    so far 10 optins, no sales
    The quality score for most of the keywords is 8 to 9
    Hope you tell me if there anything i can do to tweak my campaign

    Thank you.

    Reply Posted By Cisco120

    Well, First I'm honored you reached out to me, haha. Secondly, let's get right into it.
    1. Your landing page isn't all that compelling. You're asking people to sign up to get more information but out of 114 clicks (as of the picture) you've gotten 10 sign-ups. And you've only spent about $20. Your total conversion rate for the actual opt-in is a whopping 8.77%. That's fantastic considering your landing page isn't all that great.
    2. Without knowing how long the campaign has been running, I can't tell you any details about the ads. But I do like ad #2. It has the best CTR.
    3. Without knowing your keywords in detail, I can't tell you which ones to eliminate and which ones you should bid more on. Review your keywords, eliminate the under-performing ones and start bidding a little higher on the ones that are getting you the most traction.
    4. Without knowing your average position (which is likely due to this being a newly set-up campaign), I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly what ads and keywords are working the best (more time is needed than the picture you gave). With PPC, you're going to spend some money. I would say that a good rule of thumb is to give the ads and KW's about 4-7 days running. This will give you enough data to figure out what to do with your bids and your ads.
    5. Your ads could be a little more compelling too. They're doing great considering there's no real call to action. Kidney disease seems like a very difficult situation to deal with. So tug at the heart strings and the emotions of people. Maybe A more compelling ad title would be Heal Your Kidneys Now or Are Your Kidneys Failing?. A question is always a great way to intrigue your potential customers.

    All in all, your landing page needs work. Give people a reason to opt-in. Tell them the benefits of your information. 2 testimonials are going to cut it. The page is too simple (in my honest opinion). Also be careful, you're running a campaign where you're collecting information and you don't have a privacy policy set in place. This is no good. Bing could possibly turn around and shut your campaign down. Your true culprit here is the landing page. Follow the advice above and you will be able to have more opt-ins. The actual sales will now depend on how motivated the potential customer is since they're being transported to the seller page. The vendors page looks like it might convert some, but not all. The layout is different. With a little imagination I'm pretty sure you can building a better sales page and just link directly to the purchase page. Another thing too, you're using Nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't look like an authority site since your website is You see what I mean? Purchasing a domain page and hosting gives you more control and more power over the web page. but so far you're doing great!

    I hope this helps.

    Reply Posted By Greda
    Great, thank you so much
    of course it will help
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