Newbie Clickbank Affiliate Seeks Advice

15 replies

I've just completed my first 'test' Clickbank Affiliate Campaign using Google Adwords, and I'd like to share my results and ask for advice from more experienced marketers.

I'm using the campaign management methods outlined in Steven Claytons Affiliate Blueprint 1.0, using Affiliate Prophet for tracking and also Google Adwords Editor, Market Samurai & Speed PPC. I've also started using Affiliate Espionage to research my next campaigns.

My first campaign was the Free Energy Product 'Magniwork', currently with an increasing gravity of 411, commission of $33 and 6.8% refund rate. I monitored the ads for a week or so prior to starting my campaign and found several which had been running for over 7 days. I bid on approx 90 keywords, average position 2-4.
After 17 days I've had -
* 18 Net sales of $580
* Average of 60-100 clicks per day costing $750
* So I'm down about $170

See the attached CSV File for daily breakdown of stats

I'm uncertain about what conclusions to draw...

1. I lost $170!
So my natural reaction is that this product is a dud so I should discontinue this campaign and move on.
However, I've read that if the conversion rate is high enough (1.32% in this case) then a campaign can be made to should I persist with this? I've already been split testing ads, optimising bids etc. every 2-3 days but my gut tells me I should move on.

2. Conversion rate
I read that one of Google Adwords strengths is it's predictability in terms of traffic volumes. My experience has supported this, with a reasonably consistent click rate of on average 76 clicks per day.

However, my conversion rates have varied drastically - I had 3 sales one day, 4 another, but most of the time I've had 0 or 1. I was hoping (naively?) that the conversion rate would also be consistent, or would even improve as I optimised my ads, but I seem to have had a couple of 'fluke' good days and a lot of break-even and losing days - is this typical?

3. High Gravity
Magniwork has a gravity of 411 yet there are currently 7 ads running on Google Adwords against the keyword 'magniwork'. This seems surprisingly low to me! It suggests of the 411 (approx.) affiliates that sold magniwork last week only a tiny minority (7) are using adwords! I assume all the rest using article marketing, SEO and other stuff?!?

4. Minimum Clicks per day
Steve Clayton and others talk about running a 300 click-per-day test campaign. However the 80-odd keywords I found for Magniwork just don't seem to have this kind of volume. Maybe this the real problem - that Adwords just isn't generating enough traffic to support a profitable campaign?

5. Landing page
I wanted to run a test campaign without a dedicated landing page, obviously to same time and establish whether the product converted. Therefore I've learnt all about iFrames, php redirects, source and destination URL's and Google Slaps! But my most recent ads appear to be stable.

But maybe this is the real problem - would a real test have included a 'proper' review landing page, with a few articles and blog posts thrown in to improve my quality score and hopefully conversion rates? Or would a dedicated landing page be a waste of time if the main sales page doesn't appear to be converting?

In the 'good old days' when direct linking was allowed, many marketers made money without landing pages, I wonder whether we are doing them now purely to please google..OR does it make a real difference to a campaign,can it turn a losing campaign in to a winning one?

6. Is the Clickbank Google Ads Affiliate Gold Rush Over?
With the increasing hoops that Google is making affiliates jump through, is 'Googlecash' Marketing inherently less profitable than 3-4 years ago? My instincts say no, because obviously people wouldn't be running all these ads if they weren't making a decent profit. Any thoughts?

Apologies if I've gone into too much unnecessary detail, but I thought 'full disclosure' would be best.

Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

#advice #adwords #affiliate #clickbank #newbie #seeks
  • Profile picture of the author qualityin
    Hi Paul Fallon,

    You lost too much money on it. Did you take care of negative keyword on your campaign
    I think you must take care of in your future campaing
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Ward
    Hi Paul,

    In the details you list, you don't mention anything about tracking the keywords, I would not expect you to list on the forum which words worked for you, but I would hope that you know the ones that brought you the conversions . If not this is your first problem. I also don't know if you are bidding on phrase match, broad match, or exact match, all of which will have different outcomes on the profitability of your campaign.

    You are correct that with the data you list here, you should be able to make money by tweaking this campaign. A 1% conversion is quite normal. Certain words of course will do better than others, but 1% is always a good base figure I would advise anyone to use as a starter.

    My own views on landing pages and list building are quite well known, but you can read a thread I did about it here

    It probably explains my own belief on how you should do this.

    With your own landing page you can control the variables, you don't have this option with direct linking.

    I also do not go along with Steve Clayton that you need to be running 300 clicks per day campaigns, success with clickbank is as much about ensuring the keywords match the sales message as anything else,it is also about working harder to qualify and pre sell the customer and if the most qualified term in that market for the product you are selling is only 1000 searches a month, that does not mean you should not use it.

    One of the problems of this market is there is no one true rule for everything it depends on the niche,and the profit on the products you sell.
    6. Is the Clickbank Google Ads Affiliate Gold Rush Over?
    With the increasing hoops that Google is making affiliates jump through, is 'Googlecash' Marketing inherently less profitable than 3-4 years ago? My instincts say no, because obviously people wouldn't be running all these ads if they weren't making a decent profit. Any thoughts?
    Good question, I would say it is not as easy as it was 3-4 years ago, but it is profitable if done right, but you are correct that Google do not want the old style of affiliate marketers working the old way.


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  • Profile picture of the author JonathanBoettcher
    Hey Paul - I totally agree with Dave - you need to be analyzing keywords before tweaking the ad copy.

    I've got long running campaigns that work off of just a couple keywords - the real trick is weeding out the other 75 or so that are going to be losing you money.

    You mentioned you were using StatsJunky - isn't that showing you which keywords converted?

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  • Profile picture of the author fallonp
    Thank you all for your feedback.

    qualityin - I've not been using negative keywords, this has been an oversight on my part which I will now address.

    Dave - Thanks for your detailed feedback, I'll create landing page(s) as you suggest and start working on pre-selling.

    Dave & Jonathon - I'm bidding on Phrase, Exact and Broad for each of my keywords, and I'm using Affiliate Prophet for keyword tracking so I know which keywords are converting and what the searched keywords were.

    Of my 70-odd keywords only 6 have converted so far, which are the ones which are getting the most clicks. So should I delete the rest?

    I guess I'm unclear as to how long to give a keyword before deleting it - a week? 100 clicks?

    I also now assume that as soon as I get a conversion I should start bidding on the specific searched keyword that led to the sale, as well as the original bid keyword, something I haven't been doing yet. Is this common practice?


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    • Profile picture of the author firefly11
      Paul - I agree with Nelson and Dave (I'm working with Dave, and he knows his stuff when it comes to PPC and CB).

      Squeeze pages for sure - capture the leads then send them 7-10 autorepsonders following up about the product.

      In terms of kws, I don't know if you're doing this, but make sure the kws you're using match the ad copy and the landing page. If you need to, you can create different ads - or at least titles - for the different kws you're using. You can also use one kw per ad group. But definitely weed out the ones that aren't working - I'd do this AFTER you have the squeeze page set up, b/c you might get conversions on kw to the squeeze page that you wouldn't straight to the product.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Ward
      Dave & Jonathon - I'm bidding on Phrase, Exact and Broad for each of my keywords, and I'm using Affiliate Prophet for keyword tracking so I know which keywords are converting and what the searched keywords were
      Hi Paul,

      be very careful with broad match, if you look at your keyword reports, you will most likely find keywords in there that you would not have chosen to bid on. Broad match these days can be very broad when it suits Google !

      Again check the phrase keywords reports to see if anything in there is not what you want to be showing up for.

      I guess I'm unclear as to how long to give a keyword before deleting it - a week? 100 clicks?
      That is one benchmark you could use, especially as you know you have converted at 1%. Of course it also depends on the cost of the keyword, a 100 clicks at 80 cents is not good for a $20 sale !

      You will find as you develop this further that the 80/20 rule will apply, you will soon know the words you need to focus on, and the ones to stop. Contrary to what many people think its not 1000's of words that matter, it is a few. Something you have even found out on this campaign, less than 10% of the keywords chosen are bringing the sales.

      I also now assume that as soon as I get a conversion I should start bidding on the specific searched keyword that led to the sale, as well as the original bid keyword, something I haven't been doing yet. Is this common practice?
      Yes, you need to optimise what is working and cut what doesn't. The hard part is when you first start you don't know, so it takes time, but you have some data now that you can work with.

      Good luck with it


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  • Profile picture of the author Nelson Guedes
    Hello Paul...

    Here are my 2 cents....

    1) Research which keywords top marketers use, if you are not doing that yet. I know of a couple of products (one of them is free) that can do that. Here's the free one!
    2) Track your keywords and get rid of the one's that are not working
    3) You absolutely need squeeze pages. You could have captured those buyers information AND many prospects as well! You could have sold them through e-mail again and some would probably have bought. It takes an average of 7 exposures for someone to buy.
    4) You could have given those prospects a free gift on your squeeze pages. There are tons of free products that can make you money on the backend. So even if you fail to sell them the product at hand, you can still make money by other means..
    5) There are also a few types of people that click on your links, including your competition (ouch, pay to be spied on!). A lot of those clicks you are paying for are low quality, and may not even be targeted enough. You might want to consider using SEO. You could use PPC strategies to get SEO done well and it is free too. There's another product coming up soon that is very good for that. It is going to be launched in less then 1 day. You might have heard of it, it's called "Google Sniper". I watched the free videos you get after you subscribe and I though they were VERY informative! So I thought you might want to check it out...

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author SacredWealth
    Paul, even though you lost money, this was a great attempt! You have posted some very good questions that will help other newbies as well. Let us C what the Guru's have to say. Thanks for the thread.

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  • Profile picture of the author Judge Groovyman
    Paul, Thanks for putting your stuff out there and asking the tough questions. You are showing courage.

    I can say that it personally gives me great relief that I'm not the only one having the problems you are having.

    Back to work. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author fallonp
    Hi Judge, SacredWealth & everyone,

    Thanks for all your advice and encouragement.

    I've since optimised my campaign, and expanded it into Yahoo and Bing for the first time, Content Network next. If I hadn't had all this feedback I would probably have ditched the campaign, which I now think would have been a mistake.

    I also think it's great that other new Warriors have benefited from my Post - stay focussed, I'm sure this is going to work soon!


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  • Profile picture of the author mikkosant
    Paul, have you tried promoting any other magnet energy products. IN my opinion(I am not a vendor of any of these magnet products) the magniwork sales page looks pretty pathetic. You might have better luck promoting this one.
    Build Your Own Magnet Power System | Magnet4Power

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  • Profile picture of the author opportunites
    Hi Paul!

    Congratulations for trying to do something to acheive your goal. But for me google adwords is risky, you can lost too much money. I will suggest you to search a good course about google online (you can find some very good one ... even for free)

    When you martering google Ads, you can get your revenge and make a killing!
    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
      Actually you are down more than that because Magniwork has about a 10% refund rate. You will see that later.

      Look at the keywords that converted. Find the patterns. Eliminate the others.

      I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

      Connect with me at

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      • Profile picture of the author checkback
        Can confirm negatve k/words can make a significant improvement to your ROI.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ahmed Moheildeen
    You need to read on how to do split-testing .
    I think this what you need to rock in affiliate marketing.

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