Stop promoting email submit offers???

13 replies
Hello Guys,

I started promoting an email submit offer on 7search yesterday, which is a pre-pop allowed fast food gift card offer on Peerfly.
I did not start from direct linking because I found a great landing page, and I heard pre pop works for email submit offers, so I would like to have a try. then I did some tweaking to the landing page and started my campaign.

Here is the stats from 7search:
14 keywords;
2465 impressions;
29 clicks.

Here is the stats from Peerfly:
6 unique clicks;
9 raw clicks;
0 conversions.

My Analysis:
According to my stats, among every 29 visitors clicking my ad to my landing page, only 6 visitors entered their email address and clicked my affiliate link to the merchant's landing page (pre pop allowed), but no final conversion. so I bet the visitors just stopped the path when they need to reclick the sumbit button on merchant's landing page or when they need to enter their shipping address.

What can I do to improve?
I think I can improve my campaign in two ways:
1. improve my ad or bid higher: to get more visitors to click my ad and visit my landing page;
2. improve my landing page: to get more visitors enter their email address and click my affiliate links.
Obviously, the second is more urgent and important.

Actually I thought my landing page is fine and I don't figure out how to improve it yet.

I had promoting several email submit offers before, all peefly offers on 7search with direct link strategy. Though I did not make profit, I had some conversions and did not lose much. Since I started using landing page, the conversion rate became worse almost without conversion.

Should I stop promoting email submit offers? Or should I change to another PPC network? i don't wanna give up, but i don't know my persistence on email submit and 7search is good or bad?

I really appreciate if someone could give me some advice here.

Thanks so much,
a newbie
#7search #email #email submit offers #landing page #offers #peerfly #pre-popping #promoting #stop #submit
  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    Honestly, 29 clicks is not a lot of data to go off of...especially with 7Search. If you're building a mailing list make sure you setup an autoresponder sequence so you can immediately start generating more clicks from the users who opt-in. It would be great to get your campaign profitable simply off the "thank you", but the list will be the real value if you set it up right

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7709097].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yeeon0526
      Thank you so much, Luke.
      I think you are right. If my understanding is correct, the real value of using landing page (especially with pre-pop function) is to build a list, not limited to improve conversion rate only when the visitor first visit your landing page.
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    • Profile picture of the author Greedy
      Originally Posted by LukePeerFly View Post

      Honestly, 29 clicks is not a lot of data to go off of...especially with 7Search. If you're building a mailing list make sure you setup an autoresponder sequence so you can immediately start generating more clicks from the users who opt-in. It would be great to get your campaign profitable simply off the "thank you", but the list will be the real value if you set it up right
      I agree. Try this route, also make sure you remove all the bad refer's from 7Search.
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    • Profile picture of the author kuntal622
      Originally Posted by LukePeerFly View Post

      Honestly, 29 clicks is not a lot of data to go off of...especially with 7Search. If you're building a mailing list make sure you setup an autoresponder sequence so you can immediately start generating more clicks from the users who opt-in. It would be great to get your campaign profitable simply off the "thank you", but the list will be the real value if you set it up right
      I am going to invest 50 USD in 7search. And trying to promote a email submit offer. What you think about it. it would be profitable for me?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10046824].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zpoll92
    Hey yeeon0526,

    as Luke told you, its actually quite a low amount of clicks to come to any conclusion. I'd suggest you to use a good tracking software if you don't yet, so you can catch the bad click there and filter them. You'd also need to optimize each keyword and create a budget for each one.

    For example:

    Your Email submits is paying about $1.50 / conversion. Than you collect a good amount of keywords and start to test them against 7search's traffic. You set up a maximum budget / keyword, like $1.50. Test all of the keywords. If any of them reach the $1.50 WITHOUT a conversion, than you need to remove that keyword, if it did convert, than you need to save it and continue to run it.

    Do it every day and you'll be ffine. Hope it helps you
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7711167].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I agree that you need more data, but also IMO email submits should only be used when first starting off, the high scrub rates and low payouts often make it difficult to make them a long term strategy
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    • Profile picture of the author fnoperi1
      The amount of clicks is not enough, especially for a low quality traffic source. I would add more keywords to it, be creative, & add more offers to it to see what offer works straight off the bat & start optimizing the campaign. Another technique that was working for me is once i found a keyword that was making me conversions, i switch from broad to phase & i was making more profit around 100-150% percent. I would say in my opinion 150-300 clicks is enough to see if the campaign is working or just delete that bad keyword & add more to it to know if it's worth it before deleting the campaign.
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    • Profile picture of the author LevelUpAds
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      I agree that you need more data, but also IMO email submits should only be used when first starting off, the high scrub rates and low payouts often make it difficult to make them a long term strategy
      I agree: 29 clicks is not enough data to conclude anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I wouldn't use an email submit if I were you
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    • Profile picture of the author bluearrow
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      I wouldn't use an email submit if I were you
      Why not ? Lets say he's gonna try a new offer, still $50 is not enough for testing ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10047091].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
        Originally Posted by bluearrow View Post

        Why not ? Lets say he's gonna try a new offer, still $50 is not enough for testing ?
        Why? cause 99% have no clue what they are doing. Back in days before I start sending any traffic to offers I used to submit TEST either Order, or Lead, to make sure
        everything is properly tracking according to the plan. Do you ever test your Email Submit??? Who told you that it's converting on just an Email Submit? Do you really think that someone would actually pay you $1.50/ $2.00 for just email.. Are you? Would you pay $2.00 per email? Why I'm saying this, cause I know how it's converting.. After visitor submit their email, they immediately bombarded with like 2-5 pop ups with offers like surveys and other Offers which are paying much more than just $1.50 like $3-6 each.. Got it?

        Basically IF visitor filled their Offer for $4 you got $1.50, your CPA got 0.50 or whatever and other $2.00 keep that Email Submit Vendor Crook..

        Next time, when you send traffic and wasting money on offer you got to make sure

        it's working as advertised.. Ask your bud to submit email, or do it yourself
        just 1 test.. They won't go broke on that, it's better than wasting your $50 for
        nothing. Email Submit it's BS same as Zip Submit and all that.. Let's just say it's a little
        secret biz trick.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoJase89
    The amount of clicks that you get is not enough to make a conclusion about the offer. If you want to continue to test. tweak and track, go ahead. Make sure that you are targeting exact bids for keywords and that you are not overbidding. Try to get within the number one to five spots for keywords.

    Maybe you should try a different offer though if this doesn't work. There is a lot of competition on 7search with promoting gift card offers. Try dating offers as a email submit option. There are guys on 7search who are hungry for a date lol and would love to see those offers.

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  • Profile picture of the author CPABeyondNetwork
    Like others have said, you need a lot more data on your campaign to determine whether it's worth or not.

    Best regards,

    CPA Beyond

    AM at CPA Beyond - #1 Private Network - Daily Payments (No Fees)

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