You may be the one who directs this 19 years old to success!

4 replies
Hello folks!
I'm a 19 years old kid and I'm learning about online marketing...and I'm confused about what should I do.
I'm too ambitious as I want to build an 8 figures long-term business based on online marketing. even if it takes 10 years of hard work I'll do whatever it takes. the problem is, nowadays I heard a lot that IM is started getting saturated, ecom is deadly competitive nowadays..all the web opportunity is gone and bla bla bla. I hate this and I know this is losers' hors*hit and excuses to not take action.
so please, all I need from you is:
_An open-eyes piece of advice
_Is there still future potential?
_Should I focus on online marketing, dropshipping/ecom to be exact, or should I look for another business model?
_Any books, channels, blogs, gurus.. suggestions to get the right information?
Thanks in advance!
#directs #success #years
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by thefox7 View Post

    Hello folks!
    I'm a 19 years old kid and I'm learning about online marketing...and I'm confused about what should I do.
    I'm too ambitious as I want to build an 8 figures long-term business based on online marketing. even if it takes 10 years of hard work I'll do whatever it takes. the problem is, nowadays I heard a lot that IM is started getting saturated, ecom is deadly competitive nowadays..all the web opportunity is gone and bla bla bla. I hate this and I know this is losers' hors*hit and excuses to not take action.
    so please, all I need from you is:
    _An open-eyes piece of advice
    _Is there still future potential?
    _Should I focus on online marketing, dropshipping/ecom to be exact, or should I look for another business model?
    _Any books, channels, blogs, gurus.. suggestions to get the right information?
    Thanks in advance!
    First things first, we are entering ( have entered ) a time when ALL things will be on the internet. If anyone thinks its saturated now... wait 5 yrs.. its only going to get bigger and more congested.

    The way I see congestion in the market place is your friend... if you actually find something that is NOT congested... It more than likely means there is no money behind it - and I honestly cant think of a single example of something that fits this idea.

    The BIGGEST thing to keep in mind with Competition or Saturation is 95%+ of what you are seeing is "Failing".

    Forget everything else in this world and what others might say... the ONLY struggle in making money online is ATTENTION. Getting TRAFFIC - Once you understand THAT... its all down hill.

    My 54 yr old self tells my 13ys old son... Social Social Social... My son is REQUIRED to stream 2 hours a day... and has been doing so for 2 going on 3 years now... he has like 300 follower and on a bad month makes like $200 - HE's 13 for goodness sakes - he is KILLING it.

    Its sounds cliche... but do YOU... look at things you buy... At the content you watch... YOU know what YOU like... and there are 10's of thousands just like you. Focus on THAT.

    So where to get started... I am a H U G E fan of eBay for a whole lot of reasons. #1 reason is the TRAFFIC is already there... the hardest part to "Success" is baked right in. All you have to do is list sell and ship.

    Another reason I am a H U G E fan of eBay... It will help you develop all of the core skills needed in a whole lot of other disciplines. Once you understand how to effectively write a product title for eBay... you can write an effective title for most anything... a Blog post, an Ad, A quick line for Instagram, naming a TikTok video.

    Taking photos carries across MANY platforms... and I think listing on eBay gives you are quick and easy entry into lighting and composition that quickly translates to YouTube, and Instagram etc.

    How to price things... eBay has tools built in to learn what market will bare... and this alone is not the easiest thing to learn. You can price things all day long what you think they are worth... but to actually get that price might be an issue... often times you find out that maybe you undervalued what you are selling.

    So I happen to have a thread on ebay, you can read it here ( )

    Its great you have a goal of 8 digits.. IT CAN BE DONE - It as happened before, and it will happen again and again. my BIGGEST piece of advice... Put that 8 Digit goal to the bottom of the list. Priority #1 make your first dollar, your first 100, your first 1000 your first 10,000, your first consistent $100 week, $1000 month.

    8 digits is daunting... 6 digits for most is beyond comprehension... but stacking dollars... one after the other is a lot easier to obtain. Like in the eBay thread my son and I crossed 6 digits profit in one year - the whole amount stashed away in a bank account... dollar after dollar.

    The very last post in that thread is a video by "Daily Refinement" worth a watch, and if it intrests you, worth a binge watch.

    In regards to books... Gary Vaynerchuk "Jab Jab Jab Right Hook" would be worth the read.

    Understand that there is no such thing as "Overnight" success... it will take time. The amount of time spent on self education is mind blowing... there is a lot to learn, and learn from. You WILL make mistakes - and learning to take that mistake, and LEARN from it, and change up what you were doing, and turn that experience into a success - it feels good every time - just short of addictive.

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Internet marketing is saturated only in the sense that it is much harder to get the attention of potential customers than it was ten years ago. So the trick nowadays is to stand out from the gray masses with what you do.

    If you are just like everyone else and you are not special as a person you will have a very very hard time in my opinion.
    Therefore it is even more important that you appear trustworthy, honest and sincere so that people are interested in your business.

    Apart from that, my biggest tip once you have decided on one thing, be it ecom or online marketing, is to focus extremely hard on that thing and do it until you succeed. So the most important thing is to be disciplined and avoid distractions with other business models just because you might not see the desired results in your business yet.

    I would also agree with savidge4 when he says that you should first set small goals to earn the first dollar, the first 100 and so on. My biggest mistake was always telling myself that I want to earn 5000 dollars per month with online marketing but I didn't even manage to earn 1000 every month. So always think in stepping stones and it will happen.

    As for gurus and so on, you have to be very careful nowadays because many people out there tell you the blue of heaven and you end up standing there and are completely lost.

    Fortunately there are a few good ones. I am lucky enough to work with one of the good ones. He has also written a book that you can find on my website. But that would only be recommended if you are interested in affiliate marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author KillerVirus
    I've got one word - Metaverse.

    First it was static sites, then dynamic sites, then mobile apps.

    The next step ls "Metaverse" portals.

    Just as virtually all businesses have a website, they will eventually need a MV portal.

    This is definitely not saturated and some savvy entrepreneurs stand to make fortunes.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well if you build your own audience it will not be competitive .The thing its you need to choose a niche and become an expert as the main focus its to bring people value .Build your email list ,build your yt channel with subscribers ,your fb group and you wl not have problems
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