Making money from get go methods.

13 replies
I'm looking to get into making money online and seems a lot of ways take lots of invested time before seeing results and still may not pan out. For example email marketing (building lists not getting banned), advertising via social media (building following, not getting banned), adsense (seo and not getting blacklisted), youtube (building following not getting account closed or ghosted)..etc

I need money by next month. At least a $1000, so really the only thing I've came up with that might get me there is cpa offers with self made landing page advertised with facebook ads. Would you agree or is there something I'm missing. I got only $250 to throw into a test campaign and hoping to yield at least $1000.

Can you give me some tips or direct me in the right direction? Thanks.
#making #methods #money
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Just follow the yellow brick road. Click your heels together 3 times and there you go.

    That will be as useful as any other advice given to you. You have given us nothing to work with, except some dream idea about cpa and a 250 ad spend which yields a 1000 bux. NOT going to happen. But feel free to prove me wrong.


    Originally Posted by Surrealplatypus View Post

    I'm looking to get into making money online and seems a lot of ways take lots of invested time before seeing results and still may not pan out. For example email marketing (building lists not getting banned), advertising via social media (building following, not getting banned), adsense (seo and not getting blacklisted), youtube (building following not getting account closed or ghosted)..etc

    I need money by next month. At least a $1000, so really the only thing I've came up with that might get me there is cpa offers with self made landing page advertised with facebook ads. Would you agree or is there something I'm missing. I got only $250 to throw into a test campaign and hoping to yield at least $1000.

    Can you give me some tips or direct me in the right direction? Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Surrealplatypus View Post

    Can you give me some tips or direct me in the right direction? Thanks.

    Gordon Jay cracks me up.

    Click your heels and make a wish.

    To the OP, there are probably 250 ways
    to make money online, some of them are
    passive after the initial set up, some of
    them require more effort, some are easy
    and some are difficult.

    It is possible to generate $1,000 by next
    month, but it is highly unlikely if you do
    not have something going and lack

    If you don't know what you are doing, that
    $250 will be ZERO in about two hours.

    I suggest that you be more realistic about
    your income goals, as well as the amount
    of time it takes to get things set up. Then
    you should assess your situation, take an
    inventory of your skills, and get busy
    doing something productive.

    Consider a real world side hustle, get a
    part-time job, even if it involves doing
    manual labor, until you figure it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well thats the problem with making money online as its not easy and it can take a lot of time to make some income thats way so many people quit .Nobody can guarantee you 1k first month
    Maybe just an experienced member who knows how to make money but please be aware that it will not show his secrets for free
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Most online money making models require a significant time investment, not paying off for months or even years. The only thing that I can think of that could provide a quick turnaround is true arbitrage.

    First, you need to find a great sale on something in local stores that only lasts for a couple days. For example, a 128GB Thumb Drive that Best Buy has on sale for $9 that normally sells for $44. Buy as many as you can (even if you have to go to multiple Best Buy stores to get them) and wait a few days until the sale is over.

    Next, you set up an account on Amazon and/or Ebay and list the thumb drive at a decent discount off the normal price ($39 for example). Your price should be better than anyone else's and they should sell fast. You will also not need to set up a payment processing account because both Ebay and Amazon do the payment processing (taking a 10-15% cut of your sale).

    Rinse and repeat.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

      Most online money making models require a significant time investment, not paying off for months or even years. The only thing that I can think of that could provide a quick turnaround is true arbitrage.

      First, you need to find a great sale on something in local stores that only lasts for a couple days. For example, a 128GB Thumb Drive that Best Buy has on sale for $9 that normally sells for $44. Buy as many as you can (even if you have to go to multiple Best Buy stores to get them) and wait a few days until the sale is over.

      Next, you set up an account on Amazon and/or Ebay and list the thumb drive at a decent discount off the normal price ($39 for example). Your price should be better than anyone else's and they should sell fast. You will also not need to set up a payment processing account because both Ebay and Amazon do the payment processing (taking a 10-15% cut of your sale).

      Rinse and repeat.
      Good advice Dave. It is just my opinion, however, that "he" (or they) can't, won't and don't want to actually do something, like what you call arbitrage...I love how that word was swiped by those buying and selling stuff...from the quick Wall St. boys who found the gaps in prices.

      Anyhow. Here is HOW to do it. If in the USA, Canada, the better thing is to buy and sell locally, much faster turns. Other countries, just depends on how freely goods exchange hands.

      YES, check out the Walmarts, Targets, Dollar Tree special bins on reduced prices, sometimes that works great, especially at end of season stuff. July 4th marks when the Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff starts being put into the pipeline. So some good post July 4th sales might work.

      With a 250 dollar bankroll, one would look for something between 175 and 225 with some stored value in it. The WHAT it is doesn't matter. The way to find out is with eBay sold listings/completed sales for similar items, along with Amazon and Facebook Marketplaces and Google shopping.

      Say the Titleist TSi3 driver, popular on Tour. On sale, maybe 599 to 699, but used ones for around 250. If it were just a bit less and /or you made an offer and got it for 200, good bet you can get a hundred bux profit out of it. Ads on Facebook markets don't cost for these kinds of things, people selling personal property.

      The problem with Chatteling (your Arbitrage) is supply. Most deals are hard to find multiples of, HOWEVER, with seeking PRICES over things, there is never a supply side problem, just an educational searching.

      The OP gave us no idea of where he is, what he knows, what he has done...and probably a one time Warrior to boot. Assuming he actually wants to be able to do it, then buying and selling IS the absolute fastest way...and I'll prove it right now to doubters.

      If you have a newer TV, put if for sale on your local Facebook marketplace for 50 dollars.

      The newer, the bigger, the FASTER it will sell. Now you got 50 bux and some spare time on your hands, unless it is one of 3 or 4 TV's, streaming devices, games.

      If one finds a thing for 200, it should sell for 250 to 300. I'd take 250 immediately if I paid 200 the same day and had no other expenses. Then, you look for a 250 thing to buy, and try to get 75 to 150 profit. You would need to make about two transactions a week to work up to the thousand dollars. But once there, a 15 to 25% profit can be made per tranaction, and it is just keep on doing it. It takes about 5k, to continuously produce a thousand dollars profit per transaction, but once there, it is just keep going up and up.

      I seriously doubt if one can get there with even the best bargain bin buys, and flip those in a month especially if you get into the slop and mess of shipping and sending stuff out. Best thing, is buy local, over there, sell local over here.

      But, call it arbitrage, chatteling, or just buying and selling, IT IS, the fastest, easiest way to turn a little bit of money into more and more. It is also, WORK.


      There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. SHAZAM
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    • I am Agree with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I agree with the others, it is too dangerous to invest these $250 in any kind of advertising unless you are already very experienced and know exactly what you are doing. Otherwise, these $250 will be gone in no time.

    My advice would be to save your money instead and use it for long-term investments. To reach $1000 by the end of the month, I'm afraid you will have to go to work offline, whether you like it or not. I know, nobody likes to hear that, I've been there haha...
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    This thread might just be what you're looking for:

    Everything you need to know from where to find things to sell, which things sell and why, how to price, how to deliver, how to sell them.

    Here's another thread by someone who followed Savidge's advice in the above thread, and his results:
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by Surrealplatypus View Post

    I need money by next month. At least a $1000,
    Can you give me some tips or direct me in the right direction? Thanks.
    Here's a tip, check back in to see if anyone commented on your thread.

    Surrealplatypus is offline
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  • Profile picture of the author JuliaJI
    I'll be honest - it's really hard to make money sitting at home, because it's mental work, not physical work, on which you have a clear goal and time to complete. To work on the Internet, you need to know many terms and fields, as well as different methods of work according to your profession. And it is really difficult, because the competition is growing and growing over the years. As far as I know, there are various areas where you can realize yourself, but personally I am engaged in trading.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dale83
    To make money online it is hard and need time , and of course it depends on your skills , maybe you will find another way of earnings .
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i think in quite a lot of methods like you mention email lists being banned is due to programs or indviduals doing things the wrong way, what is being taught is spam the lists and rightly so the auto responders will cancel the accounts, we get very good open rates as what we do is give value, treat them as a friend that we value them that they are on our list, and not pitch every single day, but infact telling them a story and focusing on them, infact it is all about building your list, i do strongly believe in email marketing, as well as video marketing such as you tube, and the best one is your own website, as if you are on insta or pinterest or using an auto responder you are playing by their rules, but having your own blog/website you have more control, i know the facebook altogrhim is a bit indiffererent and you need to watch that one, but its just giving value on any platform, answering questions on here and similar platforms are good too, prob best promoting a link every 4 times, paid traffic is good, i focus no the opt in rate, but do they open your emails, and they will if you give value, i hope this helps

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author nudifyai
    Fast and a lot only in the casino. With a small budget, learn the methods of shareware traffic.
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