finally focus on success

13 replies
It's been a while since I posted anything on the forum, since the last post I ended up losing focus and ended up stopping my business and studying digital marketing. In addition to being an entrepreneur, I study a lot of other things, so my schedule used to get very busy, and I ended up losing focus on marketing and ended up focusing more on my studies.

It was the last stage of something very important, and now I don't need to spend so much time on other things.

A week ago I decided to get back into business, I reorganized my schedule to be able to deal with studying and marketing, but for some reason I can't sit down in the chair and start entrepreneurship like before without procrastinating to the point of just doing nothing.

To deal with this, I thought about starting to make a checklist of things to do that day, but even then I end up taking hours to start a task that only takes 1 hour or less.

If anyone has already been through this or has a better tip than, you need to have clear goals and objectives in mind.

I would love to read your answer
#finally #focus #success
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    This is almost a repeat of this

    Go back to the thread above and read the advice members posted in your thread. It hasn't changed. You can keep asking the same questions but the answers will be the same.

    You 'started' marketing mid-summer - a thread about 'first start' in August, one titled 'coming back' in September - and now this one.

    You've had good advice in every thread but you don't seem to be taking the advice. YOU have to control your time and efforts - no one can do that part for you. YOU have to decide what method of IM you will work on and then you need to put the time/work in. A couple weeks here and there is not going to accomplish much.

    A week ago I decided to get back into business, I reorganized my schedule to be able to deal with studying and marketing, but for some reason I can't sit down in the chair and start entrepreneurship like before without procrastinating to the point of just doing nothing.
    I'm not convinced you have yet been IN business or that you started 'entrepreneurship' before. As an internet marketer you are working for yourself - you are both boss and employee. If you cannot make YOURSELF sit down and work....maybe you'd be better off with an offline job where you don't have to make the rules.

    Be honest with yourself - what is your end goal? How do you plan to reach it? What do you plan to sell online? Who/Where is your audience and why would they listen to you?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Originally Posted by DarK BunnY View Post

    I would love to read your answer
    You are a quite clearly a frickin' twat.

    You want I expand on this till'n your self-volumizin' magnitood implodes 'pon itself furthah?

    Thing is, what is success anyways?

    Actschwlly: bummer ima here anyways kinda proclaimin' out 'bout spirityool glories.

    I would wish to raise evrywan up but hey ima mortal.

    Uh huh, so evrywan's 2024 is kinda thurrone, I guess.


    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Hello Dark Bunny!

    I agree with Kay that you keep posting the same questions
    here and then you don't listen.

    The reason you aren't doing anything is because you are
    lazy, just like everybody else. I am lazy, I would rather just
    sit around and watch TV and eat bonbons all day, but I like
    having extra money so I get busy doing my online things -
    developing websites and making videos to promote affiliate
    products, publishing on Amazon, developing courses, and
    other things that I can do easily now because of ChatGPT.

    Most people don't want to get up and go to a job they hate
    every day either but they do it because that is the only way
    they will have a place to sleep, etc. you know the deal.

    When you get sick and tired of being broke and living in
    poverty, or whatever your situation is, you will figure out
    something you can do to make money online, and you
    will get busy being productive and stop making excuses.

    Once again, I highly recommend you use ChatGPT or
    another A.I., because it can help you with suggestions,
    research, how to information, checklists, step-by-step
    instructions, as well as developing various content that
    you can actually sell.

    If you have any questions, post them here, we are here
    for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Two suggestions:

    1. Bite sized pieces
    2. To do lists

    Instead of looking at the huge picture of all the things you've got to do to get your business up and running, break it down into manageable parts - and focus completely upon the 1st part, until it's done. Then move on to the next one, on and on. In time, everything gets done.

    And rather than randomly choose things to focus on at a time, draw up your list of things to do for that day (or work session) - and try to get them all finished, one after the other.

    Both of these take some discipline and some practice. But they are surefire ways to complete even really complex, challenging projects.

    Hope this helps.

    All success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Discipline drives growth .Yes you are motivated but you aren't focused for 1 simple reason .Your dream is not a priority and if it was you would find time to get it done .

    You know what needs to be done and with all due respect stop making excuses .It is either you are going to do it or you aren't
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11775620].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    maybe you just need a bit of handholding and something like a good coaching program to get you moving and/or someone to hold yourself accountable

    therefore you could consider something like that, the internet is full of possibilities, you just need to find them
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11775732].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DarK BunnY
      Maybe I need good coaching or a partner to remind me of my goals and help me move forward and do what I can't do.

      One of my plans is when I start making money to hire a great one.
      Coaching program in my country, since I don't usually watch TV, I don't use social media, I don't spend time playing games and I skip all holidays and weekends to try to spend 80% of my time working, studying or doing nothing, it seems like the single solution.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by DarK BunnY View Post

        Maybe I need good coaching or a partner to remind me of my goals and help me move forward and do what I can't do.

        One of my plans is when I start making money to hire a great one.
        Coaching program in my country, since I don't usually watch TV, I don't use social media, I don't spend time playing games and I skip all holidays and weekends to try to spend 80% of my time working, studying or doing nothing, it seems like the single solution.

        Either you are motivated and excited about things
        or you are not. You shouldn't need somebody to
        poke you with a stick and tell you to get out of bed
        every day.

        If you aren't wasting time watching television, etc.
        then you have time to read books and figure out
        what you need to learn and do to work online, if
        that is what you want to do.

        Maybe it is just better for you to get a regular job
        somewhere because MMO is not for everyone.

        Anyway, you should review some of the things
        that have already been provided to you, as well
        as reading some of the invaluable information
        that is on this forum.

        People can't keep repeating themselves.
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      • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
        Originally Posted by DarK BunnY View Post

        Maybe I need good coaching or a partner to remind me of my goals and help me move forward and do what I can't do.

        One of my plans is when I start making money to hire a great one.
        Coaching program in my country, since I don't usually watch TV, I don't use social media, I don't spend time playing games and I skip all holidays and weekends to try to spend 80% of my time working, studying or doing nothing, it seems like the single solution.

        yes but remember, 20% of actions are responsible for 80% of the results
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You keep changing your focus over and over - you will get NOWHERE doing the thread below. That is the type of 'training' you should be focusing on.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    You need a routine and just start it. Challenge yourself to win over sales through the phone, email, ads, social media groups. Try different paths and see which ones brings you the best experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffryS
    Firstly, you should block yourself from any distractions, if it doesn't help, do a quick push-ups or something like that. It'll help you focus immediately and will give you the dose of dopamine.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Success is 90% consistency
    9% planning
    1% scaling

    Just be consistent in EXECUTING your plan daily and you'll get there

    Even if it is just 1%

    As long as you keep at it without fail and scale and learn (ASSUMING you are pursuing the RIGHT PLAN), you'll get there

    Sadly, so many marketers have this ONE TIME BIG TIME ATTITUDE about success and they end up FAILING
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