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What Does Entrepreneur Mean?

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Posted 8th December 2014 at 06:47 PM by imarkedy

In this post, we continue our series of articles answering the question; what does entrepreneur mean? Let's first, present what an entrepreneur isn't. Back in the days when I worked in corporate America, I’d often hear some organizational leader or another refer to the ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ of one employee or another. There are very few gulfs as wide as that which exists between an entrepreneur and employee. Sure, some employees demonstrate abilities to manage the affairs of a business owned by someone else but that hardly qualifies them to be mentioned in the same breath as the business owner.

This isn't to in any way marginalize what employees do for a business. The fact is most businesses couldn't operate without employees. However, I take issue with this comparison. It is a symbiotic relationship where each plays a defined role for the benefit of others and themselves. I could use this space to give a technical definition of what a true entrepreneur is but my guess is you've already put parameters around the meaning. The biggest difference between an employee and entrepreneur is that while employees seek security; an entrepreneur seeks freedom! Freedom to what? Such a list could be quite long but in a nutshell – freedom to CHOSE.

It would be untrue to offer that the security of a regular paycheck isn't something to be sought after but that paycheck can be earned through a variety of methods. Entrepreneurs, like employees, receive paychecks when operating their own businesses however they are often referred to as an owner’s draw. More than anything, the entrepreneurial spirit is defined by a certain amount of defiance. This is not the same defiance you see with protesters or even a child having a temper tantrum. The entrepreneur’s defiance comes from a place of loathing the idea of surrendering freedom in exchange for a paycheck (security).

My father retired to relative financial security from a company called John Deere. Some may have heard of this company as they are the world's top agricultural machine manufacturer. After 32 years of working for the organization, my father was given a pension until his passing. The days of such retirement plans are long past. This is as much from a lack of employee contentment as it is the absence of employer loyalty.

Were this not true, what made you search for this article as well as the many others you’ve read before arriving here? You’ve found this article because you are searching for something. You've probably made it up in your mind that the life of an employee is no longer tolerable. I've been there and I want to applaud your willingness to begin the process of seeking a better life. There are some things, however, that you must know. If you are not fed up and overwhelmingly disgusted with the lack of freedom you have while drawing a paycheck, you probably won't launch a business anytime soon. This isn't meant to discourage any effort put forth only to state the fact. Some seek to start their own businesses because they are unemployed while others are under employed while yet others just want out!

Whatever the reason, you must act and you must act now. Entrepreneurship is not about the business type you want to start rather the mindset which will allow you to do so. When talking about defiance, it is important to stay constructively defiant. Some of our readers are unemployed right now while the vast majority are employed and dissatisfied with an employer for one reason or another. For those who seek to get started on the entrepreneurial path, it is important that you continue to work during the day while building your business during the night.

Quitting your job without the finances or even a paycheck to fund your new business is not wise. If you have put up with abuse, being undervalued or other unscrupulous employer tactics, surely you can tolerate it a little longer in the pursuit of a higher goal. The war which goes on in the mind of an entrepreneur must be balanced. If truthful with yourself, the war going on in your mind is between security and freedom. Each has its own benefits but the beautiful thing is that your freedom will ultimately bring the security you seek.

Of course, I mean financial freedom but there is a more fundamental security blanket which is not often discussed by industry experts - peace of mind. Ultimately, no matter what your station in life, you seek peace of mind. The issue becomes, as an entrepreneur, you are perpetually chasing a mirage which you can never seem to grab hold of. Isn't that the point of a mirage?

Put more simply - your dreams and goals must be well planned and tangible. When I started my entrepreneurial journey some years ago, I worked a full time job yet refused to give up my dream of business ownership. I had a large salary, benefits, perks and relative job security. Nevertheless; the entrepreneurial fire burned in my gut and so overwhelmed me that I was not able to adequately perform my assigned job functions any longer. I viewed my employer, their office space and technology as tools to build my own business.

In my assigned office, I sat at my desk wondering when the time would arrive for me to make my move toward freedom. I knew there was little chance, to begin with anyway, of being able to replace such a large paycheck. Hearkening back to the need for an entrepreneur to totally be fed up with their circumstances - I decided that it was better to have a fraction of an employer provided paycheck which was earned by my own hand than a full paycheck from an employer.

Do you share that opinion? If not, stay at your day job and be content. For those who agree with my assessment, it is time for you to start your own business. My company offers online business planning video courses. The videos are available for immediate download to desktop, laptop or even tablet devices.

Brian D. Dale
Business Planning Video Course
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