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"Back in the Saddle Again...."

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Posted 16th April 2011 at 12:54 PM by ShayB

I have been away from the forum for a long time.

Life gets in the way sometimes. I've heard that many times, and I always believed it. Now I know that it's very, very true.

I'm not going to bore you with the details. Truth be told, a lot of it's personal anyway.

But I do want to share something very remarkable about IM.

I set things up two years ago and put some systems into place. They were, literally, on autopilot.

Life got in the way, and now - two years later - those systems are still in place, working smoothly. Some things that I had set up have grown considerably even though I haven't touched them in two years.

That is the magic of Internet marketing.

Am I a millionaire? Not by a long shot. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

But that is not because IM doesn't work - it's because the systems that I had in place were not big enough at the time.

Building a business takes time. Any business takes time to build correctly.

It is good to be back. I look forward to getting back into the swing of things again.
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