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We All Need a Magic Feather

Posted 19th March 2012 at 12:35 PM by ShayB (Shay Rockhold's Blog on the WF)

If anybody remembers the movie Dumbo, you'll remember the part where the crows talk about how they would use a magic feather to help the young crows have confidence to fly.

Dumbo's friend, the mouse ( whose name escapes me at the moment), gave Dumbo the magic feather and said it would give him the ability to fly.

Sure enough, Dumbo found that he could fly when he had the magic feather - using his huge ears.

But over the course of the story, he realized...
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The Power of a Press Release

Posted 21st April 2011 at 02:34 PM by ShayB (Shay Rockhold's Blog on the WF)

I have dealt with both the local and national media with press releases, interviews, and news stories.

You can never truly understand the power of a well-written press release and how it can impact your business until you have experienced the results of having your story picked up by the media.

Advertising can get results. There is no question about that.

But publicity? From a trusted news source? That is worth far more than any paid advertising you can...
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"Back in the Saddle Again...."

Posted 16th April 2011 at 12:54 PM by ShayB (Shay Rockhold's Blog on the WF)

I have been away from the forum for a long time.

Life gets in the way sometimes. I've heard that many times, and I always believed it. Now I know that it's very, very true.

I'm not going to bore you with the details. Truth be told, a lot of it's personal anyway.

But I do want to share something very remarkable about IM.

I set things up two years ago and put some systems into place. They were, literally, on autopilot.

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Can Kids Make Money Online?

Posted 14th April 2009 at 11:53 AM by ShayB (Shay Rockhold's Blog on the WF)

Can kids make money online? Absolutely.

I have four children.

My oldest daughter is 15 years old. My oldest son is 13 years old. My younger daughter is 11, and my younger son is four years old.

My younger daughter asked for one of those small mini laptops for her birthday. She got it on April 4, 2009. That next week was her Spring Break. I expected her to spend most of her Spring Break playing with her new computer, but I was not prepared for what she did...
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The Ignorant Affluent

Posted 11th February 2009 at 12:28 PM by ShayB (Shay Rockhold's Blog on the WF)

I have been reading quite a bit of financial books lately.

Most of them are pretty much in agreement. They have the same types of advice (bascially) and then they add their personal touch.

For example, almost every book says the following:
  • Save a percentage of your income.
  • Give a portion of your income to charity.
  • Live on the rest.
  • If you get a raise, don't change your lifestyle - save the extra.
  • Avoid unsecured consumer debt (credit cards).
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