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List of Drop Shipping Companies

Posted 6th January 2010 at 02:24 PM by trevor75

Usually I write every week about making money using the internet, but my blog is also a work-at-home blog, which does include other types of business that do not necessarily include the internet. So I thought I would give you guys a peek into the world of “drop shipping.” It can be very lucrative, and like the internet, you do not have to handle any actual products. You simply need to promote them, which can be done an any of the usual ways, commercials, newspaper ads, magazine ads, and of course...
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Email Marketing 101 for 2010

Posted 5th January 2010 at 02:37 PM by trevor75

With 2010 here, most marketers are frantically putting the finishing touches on marketing plans. Before focusing too hard on video or social ad formats, however, marketers should plan a bit more in email. Email is old, you say? Email is proven, say the experts. Blaine Mathieu, chief marketing officer with email hub Lyris, insists that email will continue to be a strong force in marketing through the New Year. Here are Mathieu's top trends for 2010. "Email will continue to be an anchor for multimedia...
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