Exchange = Forevah. Content Is Jus' Crap.
Hey, bcs I sittin' on a whole bunch of killah CONTENT rn.
Frankly, it will revolutionize your very existence till'n you squirtin' all kindsa exotic HAPPINESS CHEMICALS from your EYEBALLS!
So much CONTENT you gonna be GORGED beyond all bounds of HITHERTO BELIEVABLE TUMESCENCE!
From eithah end, & evry surface ... with an embarrasingly vulnerable SHEEN of POTENTIAL PUNCTURABILITY resonant before ALL SUPER SHARPENED POINTS!
Bcs, yeah, you gotta fill up, fill up, c'mon.
An', yeah, you gotta pump out, pump out, c'mon.
Till'n evry horizon is bubblin' an' screamin' an' throbbin' with CONTENT! CONTENT!! CONTENT!!!
But who the frick would wanna live in this kinda hellhole?
Share sumthin' neat with Moi is all I ask, K?
Prolly I kiss you back.
Mebbe it is same for youse touse.
I demand smoochie of exchange, or what kinda crap you dumpin' on Moi, zackly?
As a skeletal monstah even her Mom says should "maybe fill out with supplements till you have a chance of making contact with your own clothing some time within the next few light years," natchrlly I am mighty pernickity 'bout intake stuffs, plus also borderline violent/informed.
I post intermittently on WF, dance unremittingly when drunk, an' flahp out on muh Yogah mat unapologetically whenevah my brain demands succor from the opened out voids of my multiple info suction areahs. Murdahs committed so far: 0. Crap food cooked: I lost count. So, yeah, zero murdahs, K? I am of sweet heart intrinsically.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
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Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.