Anyone else impressed with Frank Kerns Email Headlines?

17 replies
I get several emails from IM'rs but most are deleted (not even opened).

And while I have never really bought anything from Frank, I open almost every one of his emails...and NO I dont do it just because hes "Frank Kern".

I do it because I cant help myself!

I don't plan on buying any of his stuff (not that its good or bad but I'm much to focused on other things).

But I'll be dammed If I can keep myself from opening those emails!

And here is the crazy part...

He doesn't use long crazy headlines that make a bunch of promises (like most marketers).

In fact they are totally different.

When I get an email from Frank, his headlines make you feel like hes just a buddy or family member that emails you from time to time..

In fact, today I got an email from him and the only thing the headline said was "Hey"

Hey...? What the hell?

Who says HEY? NO one says HEY! What kind of IMr says HEY in their headline!?

What sort of headline is THAT anyway?

You want to sell me something and you say HEY?

I laughed my a** off! And then... I OPENED it!

It was a headline that only had ONE single word in it... and my guess is, his open rate is through the roof!

Ive also noticed something else about Franks emails...

Almost each one (when you open it) says the EXACT same thing over and over and over but in a DIFFERENT way!

Stuff like:

I think you will get more out of this video than anything else Ive sent you.

or After hes said that a few times (and a few different ways)..

he'll say something like ...

Out of everything if showed you will gain the most benefit form this.

Or... this is probably the MOST important video Ive ever showed you... etc etc etc.

He is using the SAME Tested copy over and over again but saying it in a different way (GENIUS))!

And each time I think (oh well, I have clicked his links before and If Ive ever clicked any of his links then I might as well at LEAST click this one since its the "most important"...

I swear think I have learned more just by watching and studying guys like Kern, than I ever could buying their stuff...But who knows Ive never bought from him (yet).
#email #frank kern #headlines #impressed
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by TheSalesTechnician View Post

    today I got an email from him and the only thing the headline said was "Hey"

    Hey...? What the hell?

    Who says HEY? NO one says HEY! What kind of IMr says HEY in their headline!?

    What sort of headline is THAT anyway?

    You want to sell me something and you say HEY?
    I'm sorry to hear it. Really - I mean it. I've been using that occasionally for over a year (followed by three dots ...) and I thought I was probably the only one. I'll have to drop it, now; otherwise people will think I "borrowed" it. :rolleyes:

    (Glad you mentioned it, though - thanks).
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Kern is the master...

    I don't buy Kern's products, but I do watch his sales funnel closely...

    The products may be valuable -- maybe not... But for certain, his sales funnel is a proven system that he brings to bear for every major launch...

    If his sales funnel was not effective, he would not continue to use it, and you would not know his name...

    The very fact that he makes a lot of money doing what he does is testimonial enough for his technique, so I watch his technique at every opportunity, so that I can learn something from the master...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
      That's cool, Bill. I was convinced you didn't like the guy. Guess I was wrong.

      I WAS WRONG!

      Now that's a good headline.

      P.S. Technician, you open his emails because he's Frank Kern and you know it.

      Don't lie to yourself, man!

      Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincenzo Oliva
    Frank knows how to get you to open the email, that's the goal of the subject line. "hey" is something a good buddy would say when emailing you so you're thinking, "is this from a friend?" and open it. I think Deiss uses that too, then again, they were in the same mastermind group.
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    • Profile picture of the author straygoat
      Wow, this really highlights the difference between US and UK audiences. My colleagues and I regularly get emails with these sorts of headings "...hey", "I forgot to mention", etc. and they all get deleted unopened.

      Craig Wright
      UK Copywriter - SEO Copywriter, Web Copywriter

      Looking for reciprocal links from copywriters - PM me please!

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    Scott Murdaugh sent a good one this week - "Dude, why are you emailing me?" and, of course, I had to ask myself "Did I email Scott lately?"

    He's also going for long emails with a bit of a yarn. Like this one he sent today - Productivity | The Militant Marketing Mindset…

    Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Scott. Nothing to buy here. I just admire his emails. Normally long emails are boring. Not Scott's. Keep 'em coming man. I'll tell you when I've had enough. ;-)

    BTW I wouldn't mind betting that Frank opens every one of my emails. He normally replies. Usually with one-liners. Sometimes just a word. Yesterday he replied "Yum" to an email I sent him with the title "Single-malt from diabetic pee-pee".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2576479].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    Welp... that ain't a terribly attractive story, if I do say so myself.
    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay White
    My guess is that most people don't open Frank's emails because of the subject line. They open it because it's FRANK.

    Kern is a master at building the relationship, which is key to getting your emails opened. People know what they're getting when they see something from Frank. Cutting edge, goofy, timely, valuable, etc. And you never know what he's going to throw in there, which raises the intrigue level...and the open rate.

    He's created a persona that's extremely attractive to many-an-IMer, and they respond in droves. When one of my guru clients needs customized affiliate emails for their big-shot pals, Kern's is always the most fun to write. Kudos to the lazy surfer dude.
    Copywriters! Want to Get More Clients and Make More Money? FREE Webinar:
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    • Profile picture of the author BrenDavis
      You are talking about a pattern interrupt.

      Why is Kern successfull?

      Well many reasons, but one of the biggest and certainly why he has built a reputation as being different (aka more expensive) is because he is always doing what everybody else is not.

      His subject lines are a great example of this. And something I have borrowed heavily.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Just a case of IM Apotheosis.

    Frank's email subject lines are no catchier than
    other marketers. About the best part of his
    subject lines are "Frank Kern:" and that's in
    the "from" section.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    The guy is a sales genius. No doubt.
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  • Profile picture of the author CopyMonster
    Frank's pretty transparent about what he does. He pretty much explains it all in his products and various giveaways. Jay and Ray hit it on the head... it's the person, the persona. Don't know for sure but me thinks Frank's been through some of planet Dan's (the guru's guru) higher end courses and actually implemented them.

    Worked much? Uh huh!!!
    Scary good...
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  • Profile picture of the author wcmylife
    Have to agree with Ray...Frank Kern - that's probably the biggest reason why his emails get open I imagine. His auto-responders are different - cool as he portrays himself to be. I always love the emails that Jeff Walker sends out...take the time to read it because one thing is for sure - he puts time and effort into whatever he sends his list, especially the copy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    You can become so big that you don't have to do the 'right' things anymore
    in order to make money because you already have a trusted brand.

    I've seen many a criticism of 'big marketers' who were making basic
    mistakes to the surprise of all. The point is that they don't need to
    have all their ducks lined up to make a lot of money. Look at what
    they DID to get where they are not necessarily what they are
    doing now.

    Frank is a great marketer for sure but I wouldn't take his email
    subject lines as 'swipe file material'. He knows his audience
    and know that they really don't care what the subject line

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author Zero
    I only open its because its from him. I never delete his stuff, unless i am receiving a duplicate email from bein on multiple lists.

    Its more about the relationship he has built more than the headline......his list just loves him..because he is a loveable person...
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  • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
    You gotta love Frank Kern. He is a remarkable marketer. I don't know about his products because I haven't bought any of them.

    I have a confession to make, I open all of Franks emails too. There is a copy cat that I was on his list that I actually really never even opened his emails. I will have to back and find out why? Compare the 2.

    Originally Posted by Vincenzo Oliva View Post

    Frank knows how to get you to open the email, that's the goal of the subject line. "hey" is something a good buddy would say when emailing you so you're thinking, "is this from a friend?" and open it. I think Deiss uses that too, then again, they were in the same mastermind group.
    It really doesn't matter which mastermind group Kern and Deiss used to belong to. It is how you use the information to your own advantage.

    These two marketers happen to make it big with what they learn. You can to if you act on what you know and learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author karenloye
    I must admit that I subscribe to a number of guru lists JUST to see their subject lines and copy. What they do is working and it's the best education you can get! The trick is learning from the masters and then taking best practices and make it reflect YOU!
    Introducing All PLR article 6-packs authored by native English writers with college
    degrees. Taking suggestions for topics! Use coupon code SAVE20 for 20% off any packs.
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