How much does a crappy external Paypal checkout process hurt sales (vs. native checkout)?
I've tried my best to convey that he's losing a ton of sales because of this (several people's first reaction, unprompted, when I showed them the site was "uh, why am I being redirected to Paypal just to buy this thing? It's 2015...")
I want to make my case to him again, so I want to know: Have there been studies or blog posts about just how much better a native / on-site shopping cart + checkout process converts, compared to a clunky redirect to a Paypal checkout?
If so, can someone link me to a few? I've casually suggested that he may be losing nearly half of his sales this way, but that's a figure I'm just making up. Entirely possible that it's significantly MORE (or LESS) than that. Either way, I'm trying to help him see the light on this, and want stronger evidence than me saying " need to change this."
violet0176 -
Thanks - 1 reply
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Kay King -
SignatureSaving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog***My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are......and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10366151].message }} -
domino66 -
Thanks - 1 reply
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Kay King -
SignatureSaving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog***My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are......and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10367848].message }} -
Oziboomer -
[ 1 ] Thanks
SignatureFrame Signed sports jerseys for fun or profitIncludes Full basic framing course, Could this be the start of your new career?{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10367931].message }} -
sbucciarel Banned-
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