How to build an email list so quickly and easily?

by Webn1110 Banned
7 replies
Email marketing is a powerful one to many online marketing strategy that can generate amazing results at relatively low costs.

Source: WF

The important thing is building an Email list. We can use a plugin for this and need put optin offer in multiple places.

01. Popup
02. Sidebar
03. Footer
04. Signup Page

Is this method success?
#build #easily #email #list #quickly
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Webn1110 View Post

    Email marketing is a powerful one to many online marketing strategy that can generate amazing results at relatively low costs.

    Source: WF

    The important thing is building an Email list. We can use a plugin for this and need put optin offer in multiple places.

    01. Popup
    02. Sidebar
    03. Footer
    04. Signup Page

    Is this method success?
    Absolutely. 100% effective.

    The key is to keep building it using tools to generate Traffic each and everyday to your Optin

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Jasonmills
    Originally Posted by Webn1110 View Post

    The important thing is building an Email list. We can use a plugin for this and need put optin offer in multiple places.

    01. Popup
    02. Sidebar
    03. Footer
    04. Signup Page
    Placing optin in multiple places such as lightbox popups, footerbars, slide-ins highly effective method to increase subscribers.

    Steve Warwick did an experiment and he analyzed 10,000 email signed ups and how they signed up..

    Popup: 37.8%
    Sidebar: 20%
    Footer: 19.7%
    Signup Page: 3.2%
    Get The Rest Of This: 10.4%

    When we start building an email list, it depends on several factors like;

    Your niche
    Your audience
    The way you write your contents
    Your blogging expertise
    The strategies you use to build your email list (conducting webinars, giveaways, freebies etc.)

    There are few other ways to increase email subscribers..

    Landing pages give less distraction to the visitors, hence you will get conversion rate on your email list. Remember; don’t put lots of content on your landing pages.

    Give reason to subscribe. Tell them why they should subscribe you (Give strong reason).

    Content is King. Remember that. Without having quality content on your blogs, no one will be interested in reading or buying your stuff. Definitely, the amount of email subscribers depends on your writing expertise.

    Build targeted traffic. If you build they won’t come. If you do not promote, how can you expect others to land on your blogs? No one will find your blogs or subscribe to your email list. You have to spend time and money to get people to read and subscribe to your blogs.

    With a free email subscriber plugins, you can't get the maximum efficiency. Therefore you need to use a lead generation plugin for this.

    It will cost money. But you will get better results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Navyskater23
    Landing pages get the best opt in rates because they have the least distractions.

    But for blogs you'll get a lot more qualified leads & higher conversion rates if you have good content.

    Giving visitors the most amount of options to subscribe to your newsletter on your blog is the best way to to. Hello bars, side bars, and definitely pop ups are a few great ways to get their attention.
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  • Profile picture of the author steve-saunders
    That info found out by Steve Warwick is gold !

    I have just put up a pop up on my site to get subscribers and I was thinking of taking it down as I doubted if it worked !

    Turns outs its one of the best things to do.

    I'll leave it alone then :-)
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  • Hello Webn1110

    Yes, all that you say is right, but if you want to build a list can be neither easy nor fast ..... it takes time, study, testing and money, otherwise not get addresses on target!!!

    Moderators Note: Affiliate links are not allowed as signatures.

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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    I like having an email opt in form below a blog post, one on the side and a lightbox that appears on the page after a couple of seconds.

    Another ninja strategy a lot of people are doing now is to have "bonus content" in the middle of a blog post. And the only way to unlock that content is for them to opt in.
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