Newsletter vs Typical Email marketing, which method is better?

4 replies

Which one do you think is best:

Newsletter Method
- you sent a newsletter that links to 3-5 of your blog post
- the blog posts are a mix of review articles (reviewing affiliate products/your own products) and also general articles related to you niche
- You sent different blog posts in each newsletter OR at least wait E.g 1 month before sending the same blog post again the newsletter.
- you send 1-5 newsletters a week


Typical Email marketing Method:
- you sent 3-7 story type emails for each product that your promoting each week
- each email direct links to the sales page
- repeat process for each product your selling
- your sending multiple emails (3-7 emails) to same product giving you more chances of making sales
- maybe send an email with a link to your video/blog post every now and again to try and mix in some value emails with all the sales emails.
- easier when compared to newsletter method as you don't need to write articles because your direct linking

For example:
Email 1 How I Changed My Life - And You Can, Too, Link to product A... , Email 2 This is filling up here for product A.... etc.

Then same for product B etc...

I see most people doing the Typical Email marketing were they sent like 5 emails all promoting the same product and then repeat this for each affiliate product they want to promote.

But doing the newsletter method you would be providing more value however you would be promoting each product only once every now and again because you'd be trying not to repeat the same blog posts in your newsletters.

What are your thoughts?
Which method do you think is better?
#email #marketing #method #newsletter #typical
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  • I would argue that both methods are valid.

    I would also counter the statement about 'Typical Email Marketing' emails not providing value though. If done correctly 'broadcast' type emails can be as valuable as the newsletter type email.

    The trick is to not do what the majority of marketers do and just send obvious promotion after obvious promotion. Make sure you emails are engaging, which means they are entertaining, or informative or amusing (or even a combination of these things).

    Build a relationship so that you can also include links to products or services you believe will benefit the reader.

    Do enough of this and people will actually write to you thanking you for your emails (been there, done that )
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  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    If you are doing affiliate marketing, I would suggest doing the typical email style. It's straight forward and you can still provide value while recommending the product you are promoting.

    While there are validity towards the newsletter style, it's typically good for ecommerce because they have tons of products on sale and there are multiple ways to upsell once they are in the store....

    But if you use the newsletter style for affiliate marketing, you will end up diluting your message and providing your audience with too many options.

    I dare say your CTR will go down with newsletter style for affiliate marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author chris839
      Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

      While there are validity towards the newsletter style, it's typically good for ecommerce because they have tons of products on sale and there are multiple ways to upsell once they are in the store....
      Why would it be good for ecom?
      is it because ecom generally has a lot more products when compared to affiliate marketers so the result would be more excerpts selling ecom stuff in your newsletters?

      I also find that most affiliate products have upsells as well

      Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

      But if you use the newsletter style for affiliate marketing, you will end up diluting your message and providing your audience with too many options.
      By diluting do you mean that you have E.g 3 different posts in your newsletter so they have 3 options rather than 1?

      What if you made it so 1 post was a review of an affiliate product and the other 2 were general articles + when they click and go to your blog you would also have other articles in the side bar giving the reader more chance of seeing something they like, what do you think about this VS just 1 link?

      Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

      I dare say your CTR will go down with newsletter style for affiliate marketing.
      Do you think this might happen because they have too many options?

      I was kinda thinking the opposite were they open the newsletter and have multiple chances of seeing something they like. But I would always match the subject line with the 1st excerpt E.g subject line ABC so the 1st excerpt would be ABC and then the other 2 are random excerpts.

      I'm Interested to know your thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I'd focus more on value Chris versus 1 method or the other.

    If you solve your subscriber's specific problems through an email - links or text or video - they dig your newsletter. The formatting doesn't matter much but the quality and targeted nature of the content means everything.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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