Email Header Analysis

6 replies
Dear All,
Please help to correct my understanding.

When an email fall to a SPAM folder, what my understanding is either SPF or DKIM or DMARC not set correct or SMTP's IP address had been blacklisted.

When I receive newsletter or welcome email which fall into my SPAM folder. I always curious and try to check their header using mxtoolbox's Header Analyzed.

Sometimes I do see either one I mention above having an issue, but some time I do saw everything set nicely

Ok Icon SPF Alignment
Ok Icon SPF Authenticated
Ok Icon DKIM Alignment
Ok Icon DKIM Authenticated

IP no Blacklisted.

Yet, it falls into my SPAM box.

Usually what reason the email will fall into SPAM? Is it because of my email service provider more strict in term of receiving email?

Reason I want to understand more, so that I can optimize my email, ensure the deliverability high.
#analysis #email #header
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11466273].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Without seeing your headers or the emails themselves then no one can answer


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    If your mail is going to the spam folders, you need to look at the following...

    Back-end setup: spf, dkim, rdns, etc...
    IP / domain reputation: any domain / IP that is associated with the mailing. Also test username.
    Content: everything in the message body / postal address, subject line, plus your template.

    You need to test everything step-by-step and isolate the problem and fix it.

    You ideally want to know the domain makeup of your list(s) and create seed accounts for the domains with the highest percentage of users. Then use the seeds to test your inbox placement before sending your message.

    For many, AOL, Hotmail/Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and parent domains using the same mx, can makeup as much as 80%-90% of their list. So at the very least, you should start with them and any other seed accounts you can set up or acquire.

    For small domains / GI, which it's just not possible to get accounts for, you could set up spamassassin with razor and pyzor add-ons and use it to test with. These domains combined will typically make up 10% or less of a list.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11467090].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    each ISP is different. big 04 uses a lot more than DNS filter.

    Content Filter: Check your message from keyword/phrases that would trigger spam. URL itself and its reputation. "Content" also includes your email x-header.

    Spam Signatures: Make sure you use original contents. not been used before (especially if you doing affiliate marketing) spam signatures gets updated almost real-time with AI.

    Behaviour: warm up IP addresses/domain properly, steady wins the race! avoid spam-like behavior. respect. the number of links. images and text. keep good engaged contacts, reduce bounce and trap hit by Validating your data.

    there are other factors besides DNS and content filter. you could narrow down what's probably causing spam filter triggering your mail by split testing.

    Share more details. i love debugging deliverability stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    It could be the content, trigger words or nature of the email. It can also be about sender reputation. If a lot of people have marked this sender as SPAM your provider may assume that it is. You can always whitelist the new sender. In Gmail you just create a filter and mark never send to spam. You may want to ask yourself, if your provider believes it is SPAM what is the quality and reputation of what you are receiving?
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  • In addition to the comments already provided by others, the IP address of the autoresponder can also affect whether an email makes it to the inbox or gets caught in the spam folder.

    If you would like to provide a url where I can optin to your list, I would be happy to take a look for you. You can either reply here or send as a private message.
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