How to start sending affiliate offers to my email list?
The trouble is that it's becoming difficult to keep sending out physical products since it requires time to assemble products, print postage, keep my printer running, etc.
But I would like to start sending out affiliate offers that my list might be interested in. I'm not sure how to start though.
My list is a little over 800. This is not a large list, obviously, but each one of these people have actually purchased a physical product and most have been very happy with the products I've sold them. So I'd expect this list to be very responsive since I have a good relationship with them already.
Are there any tools I could use to find other products that my list might be interested in, considering they've all purchased the same type of products from me?
I do have a membership to JVZoo so I could look through their marketplace, and I've purchased several of the programs from Michael Cheney and others though I haven't gotten around to doing much with them.
Given how responsive my list has been to the products I've sold them, I think I could make some decent money on affiliate offers.
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20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL