Are Sales Emails Classified As Spam In The United States?

3 replies
I'm thinking about starting a new business which involves emailing local companies and following each email up with a sales call in order to gain new clients. Is it illegal to solicit local companies via email in the United States? Each email that I send out will be slightly different and tailored toward the business that I'm trying to contact. My sales approach doesn't involve bombarding companies with the exact same email which is often referred to as "spam".
#classified #emails #sales #spam #states #united
  • Profile picture of the author jamesfreddyc
    What will the messages say?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by gregdavidson727 View Post

    Is it illegal to solicit local companies via email in the United States? Each email that I send out will be slightly different and tailored toward the business that I'm trying to contact.
    I'm no lawyer, but I can't see why that would be illegal, myself, as long as your emails are otherwise "Can-Spam compliant".
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonwebb
    honestly it comes down to how your approaching these companies.

    I wouldn't send a "hype" or overly pitchy email without consent.

    spam complaints can ruin an email business

    if your email is tailored for each company " i-dont-see-a-problem"
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