Killer Content Distribution Process!

by mmarc
5 replies
Hello Warriors

How would you go about distributing Blog Post on social media to get maximum number of eye balls?
- what process would you use?
- what tools would you use?
- would you use any agencies (any links)
- if you could pay someone to help you doing that who would you hire?
Big thanks in advance
#content #distribution #killer #process #social media
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    I'd be happy to give you a tip: grow your own platforms and learn viral marketing. The two things combined are more powerful than pretty much any other type of current traffic method.


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  • Profile picture of the author Xochitl Shat
    Always marketers struggle to create content on a regular basis, and work very hard to avoid dropping out of a great routine which sees curating, creating and promoting great content. The content distribution tools mentioned above explicitly focus on matching content with users’ interests to the specific article. Create, plan, and schedule up using Hootsuite Publisher. Powerful features like Bulk-Scheduler, Auto-Scheduler, and Calendar View will help you publish a steady stream of quality content to build your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    With social media, I do everything manually, sharing your content on your page is the first step. Add an interesting, engaging description. Same goes for twitter, Instagram, all social media sites. But that's not really enough, you'd have to be active in general if you want your fans to interact with you and share your content.
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  • Profile picture of the author nmwf
    After writing a blog post, I promote it through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If it's a timely and industry-news type of post, I'll promoted it through Reddit, HackerNews, and StumbleUpon. There are probably even more suitable places, but this small set seems to perform just fine.

    but I'm not sure it's the 'number of places' that generates traffic or converts or whatever. I think its the 'quality of the content' that does it because viral content, for instance, is shared by others to channels that I haven't even heard of!

    If you can generate something viral, you can share it on just one channel and not have to do anything else but watch the traffic come in.
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    • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
      Originally Posted by nmwf View Post

      After writing a blog post, I promote it through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If it's a timely and industry-news type of post, I'll promoted it through Reddit, HackerNews, and StumbleUpon. There are probably even more suitable places, but this small set seems to perform just fine.

      but I'm not sure it's the 'number of places' that generates traffic or converts or whatever. I think its the 'quality of the content' that does it because viral content, for instance, is shared by others to channels that I haven't even heard of!

      If you can generate something viral, you can share it on just one channel and not have to do anything else but watch the traffic come in.
      This is what I do also. I use the Jetpack Publicize plugin so every post gets published automatically to LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr and Facebook.

      After the post is published, I manually add it to Pinterest using the feature image and I share to StumbleUpon.

      I also have Ezinearticles WP plugin so I submit it to them right from my blog.

      I'm still trying to find that "killer content" post though.
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