Is there anyone who knows a good coach?

6 replies
Hi there,

Over the past couple of days, I have realised that I need a coach, someone who has "been there" before me, if I want to expedite my learning curve in affiliate marketing.

Sure, I've found about seven or so coaches over the Internet whose services interest me, however, about five of the coaches quoted $497 U.S. for their coaching ( I don't really mind paying the equivalent in AUD, I just want to reduce my current risk).

Guys, could you please help me? If you know of any coaches with coaching fees of less than or equal to $229.50 U.S. and that provide great value for money, could you please tell me where to find them? I don't mind it if coaches self-promote themselves here (provided they follow the above guidelines and they give thoughtful and other-people centric suggestions to me).

I know that people say that you should look for a coach in a specific field, so I'll say that I would prefer a coach that doesn't:
-teach SEO
-teach other methods that heavily rely on outside forces
-teach anything that is unethical or damaging to customers
-if teaching paid methods, then the method should utilise fast, scalable and sustainable traffic
-teach methods that take unreasonably long to make money
-apart from those things, I am happy to have a coach that doesn't do the above things.

Thanks in advance for being helpful towards me and anyone else who sees this thread. I think that I will have some pretty good responses here.
#coach #coaching course #good
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I predict you will have many responses from those who have "coaching" in their signatures

    You have a list of "don't wants" but what you need is to identify WHERE in the process you need help - and then find a mentor or coach that focuses on that particular problem.

    Since you have posted about sales in the past, perhaps a coach who can guide you in building a better funnel, teach you how to find the best products, etc.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I predict you will have many responses from those who have "coaching" in their signatures
      You mean people are going to be silly enough to talk about subjects in which they have expertise? Insane, I tell ya! You're on a marketing forum. If someone has a subject in their signature, it often means they know something about the subject. And since they do know something about the subject, they often - wait for it, it's coming, on the way, here it is - hop into threads relevant to their expertise. How about that, eh? Clever, right? They converse on familiar subjects and - because, wait for it again, they're marketers - they do so, not out of the kindness of their wee hearts, but because they're - get ready - marketing.


      I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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      • Profile picture of the author chriswilliams45
        Originally Posted by Tom Addams View Post

        You mean people are going to be silly enough to talk about subjects in which they have expertise? Insane, I tell ya! You're on a marketing forum. If someone has a subject in their signature, it often means they know something about the subject. And since they do know something about the subject, they often - wait for it, it's coming, on the way, here it is - hop into threads relevant to their expertise. How about that, eh? Clever, right? They converse on familiar subjects and - because, wait for it again, they're marketers - they do so, not out of the kindness of their wee hearts, but because they're - get ready - marketing.

        No, people will come to self promote is what he's saying.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Originally Posted by kaptainklap View Post

    Hi there,

    Over the past couple of days, I have realised that I need a coach, someone who has "been there" before me, if I want to expedite my learning curve in affiliate marketing.

    Sure, I've found about seven or so coaches over the Internet whose services interest me, however, about five of the coaches quoted $497 U.S. for their coaching ( I don't really mind paying the equivalent in AUD, I just want to reduce my current risk).

    Guys, could you please help me? If you know of any coaches with coaching fees of less than or equal to $229.50 U.S. and that provide great value for money, could you please tell me where to find them? I don't mind it if coaches self-promote themselves here (provided they follow the above guidelines and they give thoughtful and other-people centric suggestions to me).

    I know that people say that you should look for a coach in a specific field, so I'll say that I would prefer a coach that doesn't:
    -teach SEO
    -teach other methods that heavily rely on outside forces
    -teach anything that is unethical or damaging to customers
    -if teaching paid methods, then the method should utilise fast, scalable and sustainable traffic
    -teach methods that take unreasonably long to make money
    -apart from those things, I am happy to have a coach that doesn't do the above things.

    Thanks in advance for being helpful towards me and anyone else who sees this thread. I think that I will have some pretty good responses here.
    You're unlikely to find a good coach for that price. Want my advice? Forget coaching. I never relied on coaching, and over the past two decades I've done pretty well.

    Here's what you do:

    1. Ask yourself what subjects you're passionate about.
    2. Find out if these represent popular markets.
    3. Ascertain if there are good affiliate offers.
    4. Learn how to run a blog.
    5. Learn how to run a list.
    6. Learn all about driving traffic from social networks.

    You can do all of that for well under $100. Less, if you don't opt for a premium Wordpress theme.

    You'll also find a lot of people on WF who are actually pleasant and helpful and we'd be happy to give you free advice.



    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I know a guy that coaches baseball, PM me I'll send you his info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    As in my experience, we internet entrepreneurs should follow the previous successful marketers also called 6 figures earners" step by step" to build a successful online business. You can focus on these courses which are so cheap and also in good quality in terms of teaching and coaching.
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