We Grew Our Blog Traffic 138X: Here's What It Taught Us About Content Marketing
Here are my comments on the six main points:
1. Blogging for your business is an investment, not a get rich quick scheme
A lot of people get this so wrong. Most want to start a blog to make money selling ads or affiliate products without realizing that blogging is one of the slowest ways to achieve that (getting only organic traffic that is). 90% (I just made that number up) of the people that start a blog quit after a couple of months because it is not generating enough revenue for them and it's way too much work. Focus on something you like to write about (and talk and read about!) and you'll be drowned into writing content. Blogging will get you loyal customers but very rarely quick sales.
2. Quality over quantity doesn't just sound nice: it's the only way to build an audience today
It's not about how much you can write but rather how much value you deliver in your posts. People don't want to read a lot of useless information but rather brilliant pieces of content. Focus on long form content to deliver the actionable in-depth posts.
3. You need to spend as much effort promoting new content as you do creating new content
Many make the mistake of thinking the process of blogging is putting an article up on their website and that's it. To be honest that's 20% of the work, with the rest of the efforts going into promoting your content in various platforms.
4. Spend more time focusing on topics than keywords
Google reads keywords, people read content. However, Google also values what people want to read. This is not to say that keywords are not important; they are just not as crucial as "gurus" make them sound.
5. Looking at Google Analytics can be interesting but it won't help you get more traffic
I'm at the crossroads agreeing with this one since looking at GA can a) tell you which type of content brings the most traffic and b) which posts are the most popular. You can then focusing on writing new posts based on the results from a) and upload older posts with more information based on b) (Relaunch Old Content - one of the strategies discussed in SEO Tips: The Complete List (201 Actionable Techniques)).
6. Don't worry about being (or finding) a perfect writer
This is probably the number one reason that people don't start a blog. Find excuses is easy: I'm not a writer, I have never written anything, I can't be as good as others, I don't know a lot of vocabulary, English is not my first language, etc etc. The only way you get better is by doing it over and over again. I certainly did write like I do ten years ago and hopefully I will write much better ten years from today (one can only hope!). Pro tip: read a lot, write a lot, edit like a maniac.
These are my thoughts on this fantastic blog post.
Read the full post here: "We Grew Our Blog Traffic 138X: Here's What It Taught Us About Content Marketing"
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