PLR video sellers you need to read this!

35 replies
PLR video creators and sellers are making a lot of mistakes and in some cases selling unusable garbage. Below is a list that will not only help you create or spot better PLR video but also...

By following these tips you will find that people will become repeat buyers and endorse the quality of your offers helping you earn more.

Also I am seeing a lazy trend happening lately that needs to be nipped in the bud.

1. PLR means that you are offering the client the right to edit your video content. This means that you need to deliver a high quality high bit rate master video file for them to work from. I recommend 2000kbps +

2. Don't get lazy and just upload the camrec project files and not the actual high quality rendered avi or mov video file.

Why? Well first many people don't have camtasia, don't want or need camtasia, and they may not have the most recent version so they may not be able to work with the camrec files.

Its fine to offer the camrec files... just be sure you also deliver a high quality high bit rate master avi or mov type video file for those to edit from that will not be using camtasia.

It seems odd that I would have to mention this but the last two plr packages I purchased were from different publishers and both did not include actual PLRable video files and only delivered the camtasia project files.

Sure I understand it takes time to render the masters... but when you sell PLR you are selling the right to edit videos and most of the world does not edit in camtasia ;-)

3. If you don't have a master avi or mov or other high quality editable video file... and if you are only delivering flash encoded video files don't tell someone its PLR. You really can only offer editable PLR if you are going to deliver actual editable video files. There is nothing more annoying than being told I get PLR when the person not only does not have master video files but does not even have the project files and expects me to rip the compressed flash video files into some sort of editable format and then recompress them into a pile of mush.

4. Work in standard formats and standard codecs. Don't use obscure formats or codecs because your clients will not likely have the correct codecs installed and if they don't they wont be able to edit or view your videos...

Also if you are on a Mac remember that Mac's support many apple codecs that PC do not especially when working in HD. Stick to the standards.

5. If you are offering screen capture videos be aware of resolution limitations in the market you are delivering to. Don't capture your entire desktop. Capture resolutions that are small enough to be viewable by the majority of your market... use drag or auto pan to accommodate... most people capture far more than they need to anyway to get the point across.

Its even better if you capture 1:1 and try and stick to standard SD video resolution which is 720x480 and that makes it easier for your PLR buyers to edit and work with your video later.

You can capture do HD resolutions but realize that most internet viewers are on resolutions that do not support full hd so it will have to be reduced in size during the encoding. So if your content needs to be viewed at 1:1 to get the point across capture at more standard resolution sizes like 800x600 720x480 460x480 and no bigger than 1024x768

This is because in many markets more than 50% are still on 1024x768 or less and even in tech markets its around 40%.

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Your audio quality is even more important than your video quality... especially with screen capture. If your audio sucks, or has a buzz... just realize you are selling people PLR that is garbage.

Think about it.

You are selling people PLR content that will represent the quality of product that company puts out. If you create crappy audio plr video and sell it to that company and they distribute it their clients will think they put out junk.

So never ever ever ever plug a mic directly into the input audio jack on your computer. Always use a usb mike or usb preamp with pro mic, or external usb sound card that you plug your mic jack into.

This tip alone will save you the headache of creating hours of video only to realize that your audio sounds terrible, has static or has a buzz in it.

Also don't put the mic too close or directly in front of your mouth. Put it just above or below your mouth if you are using a headset. This will help you avoid popping your words, peaking the audio levels, and sounding like some freak breathing heavy into a phone on a late night prank call.

Bad audio is the worst thing you can do to your presentation. It makes you sound unprofessional and inexperienced... and if you are selling PLR you are supposed to be the pro content production person because people are coming to you to get it. Your presentation quality is your brand. If it sucks so does your brand.

7. Realize that there are lots of ways people want to distribute the content they buy PLR to... it might be embedded, downloadable, premium podcast, dvd etc. You need to provide them quality masters so that they may encode the video to the formats and bit rates to meet their needs.

8. Your master videos need to be a high bit rate. Don't be a file size wimp. If you have sucky hosting get an Amazon s3 account or pay the $10 a moth it cost to get an economy hosting account with 2 terabytes of bandwidth.

Render your master video files at high enough bit rates (2000-5000kbps is good) that your clients will get nice quality results when they encode and compress them for the various distribution channels that they will be using.

Too many people just render master video files willy nilly. One package I purchased recently delivered videos with bit rates raning from 500kbps to 1900kbps..

If you have ever encoded a 500kbps master video file to flash you know you don't have too much flexibility before it looks like crap.

Low bit rates are NOT acceptable master video files. You might as well drop the PLR claim from your offer if you are delivering low bit rate master files. The end result once your client edits and reencodes them is going to be blurry pixelated crappy looking videos.

9. If you are only doing screen capture Mono is just fine for your audio. Deliver nice audio and don't over compress your master video's audio. Keep the master bit rates up above 64kbps preferably 128kbps.

10. Try and capture at the same dimensions each time. This helps for your client because if you are delivering a lot of videos they may run them through a batch encoder and it is easiest to set the dimensions for all videos rather than each individually.

I have had the misfortune of buying plr where I obtained dozens of videos that were all various dimensions with nothing standard.

Its best if you stick to video standards like 4:3 and then just choose one capture size like 720x480 and stick with it for all your videos.

Again if you need to pan either use your hot keys to pause and drag and pan and resume recording or use auto pan.

720x480 are far easier to work with in standard video editing software for the average person than varying sizes large and small where a bunch of zooming in and out is required to use the content.

11. Capture at the standard 29.97 frame rate. People are going to want to chop, edit, and combine the PLR content with other video content... odd frame rates like 8fps 10fps 5 fps suck to work with later.

Leave the frame rate lowering to the encoding choice of the person who has finished editing and is ready to encode the PLR video.

Remember you are offering PLR and that means you are delivering an editable master video. Capture it with a standard 29.97 fps or 30 fps if you don't otherwise have the fine control to set it or a standard frame rate option.

12. Don't use php curl based file download protection scripts on your thank you pages when you are delivering dozens of files. Most people who use such download file protection scripts are not aware that what some scripts do is upload the file to a temporary directory and then download it to the clients computer which cloaks the file location and prevents link sharing.

This causes a few problems... first it doubles the bandwidth you use. Second it makes it so that your client cannot right click the files and cannot use many file download management solutions.

I recently bought one video plr where I had to click each download link (there were about two dozen) and wait for it to load (because it was using the curl method for file location cloaking) and then once it loaded wait for the download dialog box to appear then click save and then wait many minutes before I could click the next one.

These are master video files so they were all large files... this download process would have taken me manually clicking each link and sitting here for half a day to download them all.

Instead if they were traditional file links I could have selected them all in one click clicked another button filtered the file types I wanted to download from that pages links and my download manager would then download every file for me while I went on with my day.

There are plenty of ways to protect file downloads (my team and I have developed the best of them) that avoid these types of issues.

The last thing you want to do is make the purchase experience of your client to turn into a day wasting nightmare.

11. Mac zip files suck. I am not sure how to get around it but nothing screws up zip files more than a mac (yes I have one). If you are going to sell plr and you are working on a mac... I suggest moving your final files via external drive over and zipping on the PC and uploading from there if you can. This will save you headaches later in customer service issues that can be caused by funky mac made zip files. Its not always a problem but its one worth avoiding.

13. Finally, personally download and unzip every single zip file you have uploaded before you start selling your package.

You need to test that they are all valid and not currupted.

Your clients may be downloading dozens of files from you and you can imagine how they feel a month or two later when they start unzipping those files only to find that they are corrupted and that they need to hunt you down, ask you to upload a fresh uncorrupted file and send them a link.

Both you and your clients will be better off avoiding that.


It is very likely that if you sell PLR videos I will look at and consider buying your package. I have spent thousands of dollars buying PLR videos in the warrior forum and there are many warriors whom I have sent hundreds of dollars personally buying every plr video offer they put out because of the quality that they put out.

I am the kind of client you want (financially) because I buy a lot, I buy upsells, and I will subscribe and watch for other offers you put out and repeat buy.

But I am picky and if you sell me garbage I will let you know how to fix it and if you don't I on rare occasion have no option but to get a refund.

That only happens when either the format or the quality is such that there is no way that I can distribute the video either because of the methods of distribution I use or because the quality is so poor that I cannot risk being associated with it.


I hope my insights help you produce better PLR video offers, reduce your headaches by helping you avoid common mistakes, and make you happier because of the great reputation you will have among your buyers for putting out nothing but the best content to represent your clients when they publish it.
#actual #deliver #offer #plr #video #videos
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    I wish I could hit the thankyou about 20 times for this.

    I spent a LOT of time struggling with files to edit that were crap, only to try to re-render my version of them and they looked more like crap when all was finished.

    Garbage in, garbage out.

    I have not offered up a PLR package of my own, but thank you for the detailed list of things to consider for my future customers.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1218300].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lance K

      I buy a lot of PLR video as well. I hope everyone who produces PLR videos takes the time to read your post.

      You could have easily charged $50 for that information, but I'm glad you didn't. Because as a buyer of PLR videos, I can attest that lots of PLR sellers need this information.
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1218357].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
        Originally Posted by Lance K View Post


        I buy a lot of PLR video as well. I hope everyone who produces PLR videos takes the time to read your post.

        You could have easily charged $50 for that information, but I'm glad you didn't. Because as a buyer of PLR videos, I can attest that lots of PLR sellers need this information.
        You know you are right...

        My partner has already told me to put this post in our paid membership site...

        So from here on out no one is allowed to read this unless they send me $50 immediately afterwords...


        P.S. You don't have to pay unless you ignore my advice and sell garbage PLR offers making the same mistakes I warned against ;-)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1221473].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Lance K
          It's also good information for PLR buyers. It arms them with enough quesitions to ask sellers and ensure that they buy only quality products.

          Another thing I wish more PLR video producers would offer...

          An option to pay an extra $25-$50 to have them send you all the files on a USB thumb drive. Whatever it would take to cover the thumb drive, shipping, and their time. I'd do it in a heartbeat for most of the PLR packages I buy. And the sellers would have my address.

          Anyway, since I've copied and saved your post, I'll go ahead and tell you that I think you should make this into a free report to build a list of PLR Video buyers ("13 Questions To Ask Before You Even Think About Buying PLR Videos" or something like that).

          Then you can get paid by PLR producers who want to advertise to a list of known PLR fanatics. I'm just sayin.
          "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
          ~ Zig Ziglar
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1221500].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RogerAderholdt
      Hey Josh,

      Great Article. Just checked out some of your links. You have some GREAT Stuff.

      Get entire State B2B Leads for only $20.00 or get 1,000 Surveyed MLM Leads for your business for only $20.00. Check it out at:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1228387].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    I am taking quite a few tips from this thread thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    These kinds of posts are why I love this forum. Thanks for the professional help Josh.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1219285].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      Originally Posted by xlfutur1 View Post

      These kinds of posts are why I love this forum. Thanks for the professional help Josh.
      If only the forum had a "your welcome" button
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1221509].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
    Wow! The quality of this post deserves several more thanks than I was able to give it (one just doesn't seem to be enough). Two big warrior thumbs up.

    If we had some sort of warrior post quality/value added contest (a la Emmies, Grammies, etc.), this post would be my nominee!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1221519].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author affmrktng
    I amazed that you took the time to write all that and share it with everyone. Excellent job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris_Willow
    Hey, Josh
    I can not agree more that a high def file is a must, not some small flv version. I've encountered that many times when I wanted to edit the PLR video.

    One thing I could add to this list is don't mention the plr product name all the time.

    I mean if you sell right to edit the video and change the name of the product, it is really hard to do so if the original PLR name is mentioned in various places throughout the video.

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    • Profile picture of the author A Bary
      Very good information..

      That added to my great WF bookmarks
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Btw... if this post resembles you and I have purchased your PLR offer...

    Don't worry you're not unique or being singled out. I wrote it because these issues have been happening just about every time I purchase a PLR. The last four video PLRs I have purchased (from different authors) have all had the makeup to be great offers...

    But all four had two or more of these issues holding them back or needing to be resolved.

    But in all seriousness, and people who release a lot of video plr know this, if you can get as close to perfect with these issues as possible you will have a fan following of repeat buyers that will keep you in business for a long time... so don't forget to get your buyers on an update list ;-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1225577].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jay Jennings
    Just a word of warning...

    ...when you sell PLR you are selling the right to edit videos...
    You state that as fact a couple times but it's not true. PLR means whatever the seller says that it means and the right to edit may NOT be included, so before you lay down your money for PLR videos look at the licensing agreement to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting.

    Jay Jennings
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1225755].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      When is the last time you saw an offer for PLR where the right to edit was not included or intended? It'd be rare because almost all PLR offered in the WF is intended to be edited.

      If the videos were not to be edited then they simply do not apply to what we are discussing here which is a guide as to how to deliver PLR videos that are intended to be edited. Its not a guide to defining terms, licenses, or the difference between private label rights and private label licenses ;-)

      The videos we are talking about are sold to be edited even if it is as little as adding an intro.

      Anything else is not relative to this particular discussion.

      Originally Posted by Jay Jennings View Post

      Just a word of warning...
      You state that as fact a couple times but it's not true. PLR means whatever the seller says that it means and the right to edit may NOT be included, so before you lay down your money for PLR videos look at the licensing agreement to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting.

      Jay Jennings
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1225825].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jay Jennings
        1. PLR means that you are offering the client the right to edit your video content.
        So, go edit your original post, because you most surely did define the term.

        I added a legitimate warning based on your original definition and you jumped on me.

        You say it would be rare for PLR videos to be offered without editing? Since it's rare people shouldn't be aware of that?


        If you had said anything about my post it should have been along the lines of...

        Yep, it's always a good idea to make sure you know the exact rights you're getting because while PLR videos without editing rights are rare, it could happen.
        But that's not nearly so much fun as putting me in my place, is it.

        Jay Jennings

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1225859].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Steve_Dougherty
          Thanks for the outstanding info Josh.

          I do not think you have ever purchased any of my videos (from me anyway) but I'd swear you were talking about some of my video packages.

          I'd like to think I get better with every video series I make and with posts like this one, my future customers will owe you a huge thank you.

          My big concern has always been the file size. Trying to maintain the quality while at the same time making the file size such that it will not require days to download.

          This thread has given me several ideas, one is to offer a 'maxed-out' master file as you are describing, along with smaller file-sized 'source' formats like wmv. This way if the 'Master' quality is what is needed and the download time is a non-issue then that group of people I've been neglecting are now happy campers. For everyone else that simply want to add watermarks and/or custom intro and exit screens, then the wmv is there as well.

          Lance K..The thumb drives idea is brilliant Plus for a little more coin, you can get them with your url imprinted on them for a bit of advertising.

          14. One thing I'd like to add to the list is leaving zero 'bread-crumbs'. I was guilty of this and didn't even know it was happening.

          When you are doing screen captures make sure you have logged out of your gmail account and any other items that are on your screen that make even the slightest reference back to you - the video creator.

          Josh, I thank you and again, my future customers thank you for your contribution.

          As Lon Naylor says "Friends Don't Let Friends Make Crappy Videos"
          >>>>> 100+ Newbie Friendly Techie Training Videos My White Label PLR Videos <<<<<
          PLR Video Direct - Your Source For Original Re-Brandable Private Label Rights Videos.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226383].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
            Originally Posted by Steve_Dougherty View Post

            Thanks for the outstanding info Josh...

            As Lon Naylor says "Friends Don't Let Friends Make Crappy Videos"
            lol... so true. Never get offended if someone tells you that its not up to par... thank them for being honest.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1228599].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author markdsullivan
              hey Josh,

              Great post. I just sent you a PM about the transparent player.

              Thanks man,

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1228612].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Marty S
          Originally Posted by Jay Jennings View Post

          But that's not nearly so much fun as putting me in my place, is it.
          Yes you have been JoshSmacked! He probably means well, but then again, we can all still be thankful that most responses here in the Warrior Forum aren't laced with vinegar!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226532].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Simon Royal
            I didn't take it that anyone was put in their place.

            No names were mentioned, just tips so fellow warriors can produce great plr videos and have repeat customers.

            I am in the process of creating some plr vids and this was greatly helpful.

            Thanks Josh.

            I am gonna print and save.

            P.S I make awesome Kettle Corn.

            P.S.S like my fanpage so you can know about my next case giveaway contest. Only FANS can win!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1228275].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Jay Jennings View Post

      Just a word of warning...

      You state that as fact a couple times but it's not true. PLR means whatever the seller says that it means and the right to edit may NOT be included, so before you lay down your money for PLR videos look at the licensing agreement to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting.

      Jay Jennings
      I honestly can't imagine any video labeled "PLR" that would not have some form of editing or something done to it by the end user.

      If you can't edit something, like adding your own watermark or changing the file format to work with what your host allows or the script you are working with allows is it really PLR?

      Think about it. Even if you didn't want me to rearrange or cut the clip up but you only handed me an FLV file but I converted it to an mov file, did I not just do something where the information on this post would be absolutely correct?

      Perhaps the definition we need is what is editing?

      Editing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      I would think there is some sort of modification that would be allowed - and any changes made could be considered editing. Otherwise wouldn't it be considered MRR?

      This would mean the seller has misidentified what he is selling. Just my personal reasoning. I don't claim to be an expert on PLR or MRR btw.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226477].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Simon74
    Hello Josh,

    Thank you for your great post, really informative!

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Also I wanted to mention that if you are creating PLR for HD stick with 720p which is 1280x720. 1080p is just too big even most broadcast TV in HD is only 720p.

    Unless of course you are offering PLR to your pre-release motion picture to cover some of the hollywood production costs ;-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1229822].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Crud... just bought another "editable" video PLR where the seller only delivered mp4 videos at around 200kbps.

    If you are considering offering editable video plr... just realize that if you compress your videos like that they really are not useful for editing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1257033].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Hi Josh,

    That's a great post... I've bought my fair share of PLR videos
    and as you state... they're mostly UNeditable. The latest one
    I bought was fully rendered in .swf

    I can't do anything with .swf

    I can't even import it into Camtasia

    So I can't do nuts to it except to sell it like it's a resell product.
    I do wish this post of yours can be a sticky and considered a
    must-read for any Warrior who plans to sell PLR videos (it's a
    surprising shock many don't know the importance of clear audio).

    Thanks for the great post!


    Any idea how I can do editing with .swf?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1257070].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      Originally Posted by Asher View Post

      Any idea how I can do editing with .swf?
      If you did you would most likely end up with a really poor image and possibly audio quality after you converted it to an editable format and then reencoded it for distribution... there are tons of swf to avi converters but the ultimate quality will make it not worth doing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1257076].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Asher
        Originally Posted by Josh Anderson View Post

        If you did you would most likely end up with a really poor image and possibly audio quality after you converted it to an editable format and then reencoded it for distribution... there are tons of swf to avi converters but the ultimate quality will make it not worth doing.
        Aw shoot... that means I would most likely have to
        screen capture the screen capture video and rip the
        audio out (somehow) if I want to do this.

        Man... that'll take forever (since it's a huge video course).

        Thanks, Josh! You the man! You sir, are amazing =)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1257094].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Lance K
          Originally Posted by Asher View Post

          Aw shoot... that means I would most likely have to
          screen capture the screen capture video and rip the
          audio out (somehow) if I want to do this.

          Man... that'll take forever (since it's a huge video course).

          Thanks, Josh! You the man! You sir, are amazing =)

          That stinks that you got stuck with .swf.

          It would probably be just as easy to remake the videos yourself.
          "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
          ~ Zig Ziglar
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1257970].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Asher
            *bumps this thread back up*

            Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

            That stinks that you got stuck with .swf.

            It would probably be just as easy to remake the videos yourself.
            Originally Posted by Josh Anderson View Post

            If you did you would most likely end up with a really poor image and possibly audio quality after you converted it to an editable format and then reencoded it for distribution... there are tons of swf to avi converters but the ultimate quality will make it not worth doing.
            Hey Lance, Josh,

            I was informed by the owner of the product I bought
            that the latest update to Camtasia allowed the importing
            of .swf files.

            I tried it out... man, the conversion is fast, sweet and
            great quality. Current version I have is 6.03

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1263770].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
              To get "great quality" you'd have to start with great quality and a relatively uncompressed video to preserve quality unless there was not that much movement in the video like in power point based presentations.

              Results will vary.

              Originally Posted by Asher View Post

              *bumps this thread back up*
              Hey Lance, Josh,

              I was informed by the owner of the product I bought
              that the latest update to Camtasia allowed the importing
              of .swf files.

              I tried it out... man, the conversion is fast, sweet and
              great quality. Current version I have is 6.03

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1263867].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    WOW Josh,

    You covered just about everything about PLR videos.

    What I really like about it is that it's aimed for PLR video creators, but I sucked a lot of information regarding PLR videos as a buyer.

    Thank you for spending so much time creating such a powerful post.

    Mike G
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