If You Have Not Declaired Retirement - You are nobody

26 replies
What is with all the "I'm retiring and selling all my stuff" going on?

It's like the newest coolest thing to do. lol

Should we all start claiming we are going into retirement?

In the past month I've seen several well know people all the sudden decide they are getting out.

Perhaps they know something? Is the internet going to end?
#declaired #retirement
  • Profile picture of the author H3x
    lol i dont see the point in retiring, my dad is retired and hes always bored! i never want to retire, love internet marketing too much
    *** I earnt $479,000+ Online from 2009-2010 with ONE Web Site! ***
    Read my Personal Internet Marketing Story and see how i did it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Hmmm. I put new tires on my car once. Does that qualify me to be a somebody?

      LOL, a few years ago it was "The Death Of ..." and this year it's "I'm Retiring ..." Any marketer who follows the others like sheep and pulls the same stunt instantly loses my respect.
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        I think 2011 will be the "I'm coming out of retirement" year to follow.

        It's like a predictable movie.

        Just watch what happens.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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        • Profile picture of the author TiffanyB
          Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

          I think 2011 will be the "I'm coming out of retirement" year to follow.

          It's like a predictable movie.

          Just watch what happens.
          Yep. Definitely see that happening. It will be something like "I just had to come out of retirement to share my new reveolutionary product with you," when the whole time they were in retirement they were working on this new product.

          If a person says they are retiring then I unsubscribe since they won't be sending anymore emails since they are retired. Right?
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        • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
          Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

          I think 2011 will be the "I'm coming out of retirement" year to follow.

          It's like a predictable movie.

          Just watch what happens.
          I think they wanted to copy micheal jordan
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
        Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

        Hmmm. I put new tires on my car once. Does that qualify me to be a somebody?

        LOL, a few years ago it was "The Death Of ..." and this year it's "I'm Retiring ..." Any marketer who follows the others like sheep and pulls the same stunt instantly loses my respect.
        All you need to do is read the subject lines of the posts on the main board of the WF to see who most of the sheep are following.

        I don't even subscribe to his list, have never seen one of his videos, and couldn't care less.

        That's not to say he isn't providing value, he may be. But I seem to be doing just fine without being part of the great flock of those that put him on a pedastal.

        I will not be one of the sheep and follow blindly. On the other hand, I have been spotted amongst the herd of hamsters from time to time.

        All the best,

        "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    I think they have been hanging out with Jay Z too long.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    I really did retire once.

    And then I got really bored. EXTREMELY BORED!

    So I created more projects for myself.

    Point being, it doesn't necessarily have to be a marketing ploy. Some people really do intend to throw in the towel and live the good life, only to find that it's not what they envisioned and decide to get back into the game.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    What they do not tell you. They tell you that "I am going to retire now", they leave out it is funded off of the money that they make from this product they are selling you.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    I can fully understand why someone would want to stop selling in this niche... I stopped myself, and I won't be coming back to this niche. Poodle owners, and 3D TV lovers are much easier to sell to

    But to use it as a "tactic" is poor form to start with, and to follow this like is a sheep is even more pathetic.

    Also.. never mind.


    Bare Murkage.........

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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      I can fully understand why someone would want to stop selling in this niche... I stopped myself, and I won't be coming back to this niche. Poodle owners, and 3D TV lovers are much easier to sell to

      But to use it as a "tactic" is poor form to start with, and to follow this like is a sheep is even more pathetic.

      Also.. never mind.

      Almost ALL niches outside of MMO are phenomenally easier to sell. I came into this game from the traditional B2B marketing consulting world, used to doing business a certain way on the internet. After a year of testing, the big eye openers for me were the infinite numbers of niches that are still responding to old techniques like it's 1998.

      Why anyone would want to bludgeon their heads against the wall of this pathetically cheap, perpetually broke, massively cynical, and largely unsuccessful market?
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      • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
        Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

        Almost ALL niches outside of MMO are phenomenally easier to sell. I came into this game from the traditional B2B marketing consulting world, used to doing business a certain way on the internet. After a year of testing, the big eye openers for me were the infinite numbers of niches that are still responding to old techniques like it's 1998.
        Touche!... been there.

        Why anyone would want to bludgeon their heads against the wall of this pathetically cheap, perpetually broke, massively cynical, and largely unsuccessful market?
        Harsh, but so true it made me laugh to myself...


        Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

    Perhaps they know something? Is the internet going to end?
    Not just the Internet, but the whole world -- in 2012. Or so I hear.

    My plan is to run a "how to save yourself in 2012" WSO. In 2011 I'm going to sell the rights to that book and "retire" before the big boom.

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    • Profile picture of the author ozduc
      Well you really have to read between the lines to get the meaning.
      It really means I am retiring from being a guru and I am not making anymore products in the IM market. However instead of getting less emails from me, you'll be getting more because all I am going to do is peddle other people's stuff.
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    • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe
      I know if I can make my millions selling my new "DVD/CD Rewinder" you'll never see me sitting at my computer again.

      I just hope it works out better than my "Coffee Grounds Rejuvenator" gizzmo. That thing left a bad taste in my mouth, business wise. Next time I won't have the instructions written in Engrish, that's for sure.


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      • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
        Originally Posted by Killer Joe View Post

        I know if I can make my millions selling my new "DVD/CD Rewinder" you'll never see me sitting at my computer again.

        I just hope it works out better than my "Coffee Grounds Rejuvenator" gizzmo. That thing left bad taste in my mouth, business wise. Next time I won't have the instructions written in Engrish, that's for sure.


        You're such a strange person. AND I DIG THAT ABOUT YOU!!!

        We had an interesting discussion about some of these guru tactics in Friday Night Chat last night. It's actually kind of sad when you see the little man behind the curtain and he tells you to ignore that man behind the curtain.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    What you mean there is no WSO's on how to fake your retirement ??? Man what kind of crap is this....

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    • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      What you mean there is no WSO's on how to fake your retirement ??? Man what kind of crap is this....

      Just thinking.. Has any marketer faked their own death yet?

      Worked for pretty good for Elvis
      IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Originally Posted by Louise Evans View Post

        Just thinking.. Has any marketer faked their own death yet?

        Worked for pretty good for Elvis
        I would not be shocked to know if someone was back there planning just that right now ....

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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          I actually tried semi retirement last year but got bored stiff.

          I'll probably work until they pry my cold dead hands from this keyboard.

          As far as all the "I'm retiring" stuff, I don't follow it.

          Pretty much like I don't follow all the other nonsense that goes on in this
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    LOL... I was thinking the same thing yesterday I got emails of a certain marketer selling of his stuff due to retiring and I thought well hey let me see this makes what 5 I have had come to my inbox in the past couple months. Whatever I don't follow any of these "guru" guys I came across a site the other day that is called slap the guru I love that name seems to me a few of these guru people have been arrested in the past few months too it always boils down to be the leader not the follower

    I tell my daughter that all the time be a leader not a follower you never know where the leader will lead you.

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    I retired from my offline career a year ago, and I'm still a nobody.

    But as long as they keep sending me checks every month, I'm a happy camper.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    Speaking of being a retared...

    The thing that gets me is the affiliate folks who promote this "retired" stuff to their list. I'm not naming names but I'm seriously thinking "Unsubscribe".

    Then again it must work are they wouldn't waste their time doing it.

    See I told you we were talking about being retard.

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