A unique way to make 1-5k for every affiliate commission you make...
A lot of high priced affiliate programs were mentioned (and are probably all saturated now). But there was one warrior that made a suggestion that was COMPLETELY overlooked. In fact, no one even thanked him or acknowledged the post ( I was shocked).
While everyone was busy taking notes on the highest paying affiliate programs on the Net, this guy gave out a secret so powerful, that it could CURE a lot of this affiliate marketing madness, DEMOLISH your competition and set any affiliate marketer up for life!
It was a brilliant idea...In fact, if you ask me, it was the most powerful bit of information in the entire thread and if packaged well, it would have made a darn good WSO!
Here is the quote/post from VegasVince
HERE'S HOW I CREATE AFFILIATE DEALS THAT PAY 1K....5K....AND UP...ON A STREET LEVEL....no computer required. Example.... You can walk into any Mercedes dealer in America...pin down the power broker....and tell him or her... you have a list of buyers/clients up the ass.....who live in Japan, have a ton of cash, and are ready to spend some bling on a Mercedes next time they hit the states to buy one of Donald Trump's buildings etc. From there you basically ask the owner..... why HIS dealership is the best place to send YOUR clients! AT THIS POINT....MR MERCEDES DEALER..... STARTS PITCHING YOU....AS TO WHY YOU JASON MO...NEED TO SEND YOUR PEEPS TO HIM... AND NOT THE DUDE ACROSS THE STREET! By the time you walk out of his office....you have a LOCKED IN price for any Mercedes in the joint...along with a side deal that pays you......a 3K commish on every buyer you send...that drives out with a new Benz etc. Neat. You can work this approach with any high ticket item you have an interest in....or a list for. And it works the same way every time...regardless of whether it's a Mercedes dealer or a diamond broker. You're a high ticket sellers...wet dream....because you have something he needs...buyers. And for that alone...he's willing to kick you down what he probably considers chump change.....except the "change" is often very friggin good! Always better then $300! Believe me.....it's more effective then hustling some Affiliate program.....where high commissions aint really that high in comparison to this approach. xxx Vegas Vince Legend. |
Now think about this for a minute. Lets put this concept in perspective.
Instead of looking for an "affiliate program" why not look for a LOW competition niche for a HIGH -paying product...THEN simply contact the seller using Vince's method?
-You wouldn't have to worry about ANY other affiliate competing with you.
-You could get super cheap traffic using article marketing and any other form of seo.
- You would have a LASTING income stream that was way under the radar!.
Why everyone else was spending hours a day trying to find the perfect affiliate program THEN worrying about the competition of the market, YOU would be working in REVERSE...positioning yourself directly in front some serious cash flow!
So where can you find products like this?
Here is an idea..why not look on ebay and amazon, contact the sellers and make a SIDE deal?
Forget about that cheap amazon commission. Im sure if you told the seller you could send them x amount of buyers they can give you a much better commission than amazon.
And as far as ebay is concerned, just shoot them an email...and and ask them... If I sent you x buyers/day how much money would you give me per product?
Here is another idea.
Find a niche using wordtracker, look at the ads in google adwords...(look for websites that have HIGH selling products with REAL crappy looking websites.
Chances are they are paying a LOT for advertising...and their rio isnt that good.
This is an opportunity for YOU.
Ask them how much they pay per click and what their conversion rate is (if you can get that info) then offer them BUYERS for the SAME price they are paying for them in adwords...
BUT you will get them using free methods like article marketing and seo.
If anyone else wants to expand on this concept please feel free.
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