Steady Traffic... No sales!

5 replies
Hi all,

I have a quite new blog at: Web marketing, Blogging tips, Social media tips and SEO | AkosBlog .
Its gets a steady flow of traffic (100-200 visitors/day).
Main Traffic sources:
  • Social media (Twitter, Facebook and StumbleUpon... I got on the front page recently)
  • Webmaster Forums
  • Google
  • Direct traffic
What is the problem? Why am I not able to make a single sale?

Best Regards,

P.S.: I want to start relying on affiliates, because besides I'm doing quite well with AdSense, I want to increase the total revenue.
#affiliates #amazon #sales #steady #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
    I don't really see a clear monetization path for a new visitor.

    On my first visit to your site, my eyes went to the posts and away from everything else. You have a LOT going on there on the right side of your blog and instantly I was turned off on trying to navigate it.

    I think a 'less is more' approach might help.
    *Reserved for cool stuff*
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    • Profile picture of the author WinstonT
      Alright, the first things I noticed when I got into your site were these:
      • Slow load time
      • Very clean layout
      • Nothing seems to stand out to the visitor
      • Credibility

      A slow load time can be fixed by doing parallel loading, such as sourcing images from different domains so that they start loading at the same time, giving a reduction in the overall load time.

      The clean layout seems to be far too clean in the respect that when my eyes landed on the site, I seemed a little lost. As spectrefax describes it, there isn't really an obvious monetary path. My eyes first landed on the middle of the page, where there was a division between your posts and the sidebar.

      I can see you're monetizing with Amazon and Adsense, and the way you're arranging the layout seems to be trying to attract attention towards the sidebars for higher CTRs. Perhaps you could use a sharper colour scheme to attract the attention of the visitor to an opt-in list, and state what kind of benefits they will receive if they subscribe to your list. Otherwise, you could put something striking like "Read my review on why _____ works to _____ " etc. Immediately push on the visitor's emotional buttons and wants when they first land on the page.

      If you're trying to shift attention towards the posts, I'm not too sure about this, but you can try shifting the articles such that there are two side bars on each side of the article.

      Try and use the rectangular ad from Google, and place it in between your header and top of your posts. I find that it gives me a good CTR for adsense in such a position.
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    • Profile picture of the author hueyliew
      It a matter of preference, I would get rid of the twitter counter. It may work against you or at least that is what I think.
      ie 1: if a visitor that has more follower than you, he may possibly ask what have you got for him to follow
      ie 2: if you have a lot more followers than your visitor, he may possibly envy you and not follow you! ... humans are complicated lots.
      * Learn to turn your digital PLR trash to cash *
      * Learn WordPress 3.0 *
      * What is Amazon S3 *
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  • Profile picture of the author colie3188
    YES, you have to clearly define how you are monetizing your blog...

    Make it clear to them on what actions you want them to take!
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  • Profile picture of the author BenjaminB
    If you are getting the majority of your traffic from social bookmark sites that allow the user to quickly view a page without ever leaving their site like Stumbleupon then you will get blue in the face before you make a sale. That traffic is worthless as the vast majority are only clicking on a story because other people did. I'd even go as far to say that in my opinion websites of that nature hurt your website or blog more so than they help it.

    Yes you may get lots of hits but they are non buyers and it leaves you with low on page times making your website possibly look bad in the eyes of search engines.
    Conversions have never been so easy!
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