The Myers-Briggs Approach, A Great Way to Optimize Content

1 replies
Awhile back I was checking out some of the training stuff available in Google's Website Optmizer, I found the below video from a webinar they conducted, very good stuff. Heads up,,its about an hour long you may want to bookmark this for later viewing

During the webinar they discuss the Myer-Briggs approach, something that I did a bit more research on and I came across this site with a brief but good summary of the approach. I like the "What the Persona's Look For" section below the summary.

Website Personas Give You Better Website Lead Generation

Just a note, I have no affiliation with that site above, just something I found.

Here is the webinar video

#approach #content #great #myersbriggs #optimize
  • Profile picture of the author JonOlivier
    Hi Scott, great share thanks!

    I've not made it all the way through (yet) but this is some seriously good stuff. More to test, reminds me of Mike Koenig's video on answering four questions to cover the four main personality types.
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