What was your tipping point?

I have written and rewritten this post 7 times.

Instead it came out like I was doing a "Rah Rah" for myself and that isn't what I wanted.

So here is the 8.0 version.

I came here from another forum, and I was thrilled with the info here! I was amazed! I am so thankful for each and every person on here.
I started making money from writing and blogging, and then it happened: my tipping point.
To me, a tipping point is like a point of no return - it is when the big picture is clear and there is no turning back.
My tipping point was my first $300 day.
That was more than I had ever made in a week. I was so shocked. I was literally crying.
I knew then what my potential was. That making 6 figures (and more) was not just a fantasy - it was possible and (dare I say it?) probable(!) - if I just stayed on track.
So I would love to hear from the rest of you.
What was your tipping point?
When did you realize that the next step was possible and you could not turn back without reaching for it?
What is your next step/level?
I look forward to hearing from everyone.
Brandon Doyle
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