Can I Use The Words "Click Here" In Meta-Descriptions?

by SeanyG
4 replies
Hey guys,

Do you know if there are any words that Google doesn't like to see in a page's meta-description?

I have the words "Click Here Now" at the end of my meta-description for my home page. Is that allowed?

Thanks in advance for replying,

#click here #metadescriptions #words
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
    I have seen a number of meta descriptions with that phrase in it. And sometimes there is a phone number as well.

    I see the phone number in the titile tag sometimes too.

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    • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
      Great. Do you know of any other words Google will not show or might penalize a listing for having in their meta-description or title?
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
        I don't know of any words in particular that will not be shown becasue you use those words.

        But it is not a hard and fast rule that Google shows the contents of the meta description for the search results. Sometimes you see a selection from the page that is being listed.

        Don't stuff your description with keywords in a row. Use your main keyword phrase and one other LSI phrase and that should work pretty well.

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    As far as I am aware you can include whatever words you want but as for getting penalized, think about it logically. The meta description tag is suppose to be just that - a brief description/summary of the page content. Does the phrase 'Click Here' describe your page content? I am guessing no. So don't use it. Besides, I think people nowadays understand they must click on a search result to go to that website.
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