Sure Ways To Add Facebook Friends Fast Without Getting Into Trouble
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Many businesses have found that creating a FaceBook page generates them more business. The only way to ensure that you have the business that you are looking for is by increasing the number of friends that you have on the site. Here are a few ways that you can increase your Facebook friends fast.
1. Make Use Of Facebook Widgets
Facebook widgets can be one of the easiest ways to add more friends to your page. You can easily add your widget to your blog page or website. People will be able to easily click on your widget and find you. Knowing how to strategically place your widget is important.
If it is not in a visible area on your site that receives a lot of traffic, then people may not be able to find it. You should put it in a spot that you are sure that your viewers will find it. In fact, letting them know that they can become a friend on Facebook is also a great idea. Guide them to the widget so that they will use it.
2. Send Out Email Invitations
Use your contact address book for your email. You will likely have a large list of people that you have talked with via email. You can invite them to become your friend on Facebook. You can also add a link to your page at the bottom of your email signature.
This will encourage the people that you exchange emails with to add you as a friend. The more people you email, the more likely you will get a lot of clicks to your page as well as a lot of new friends. You can even ask your other friends to promote your site to their friends. This is a great networking option.
3. Have Contests or Creative Polls
You can host a variety of contests for your Facebook friends. If you do this, then they will likely tell others about the contests and they will want to add you as a friend.
If people see being your friend on Facebook as fun and exciting, then they are that much more likely to add you. Contests and polls can be fun, and many people are attracted to them.
4. Advertise Your Facebook Page
Facebook has a lot of different options when it comes to advertising. Put it this way, for a site to provide completely free services they have to be able to make up their money somewhere.
You can often times have your page featured in certain geographical areas in order to get exposure. People will then click on your page and add you as a friend. This is something that you generally pay per click. Also engage in your facebook pages and groups wisely.
5. Update Your Friends on a Regular Basis
Never forget about the people who are already your friend on Facebook. In order to preserve those friends, and not have to worry about people "unfriendly" you, you should take the time to send out a regular update to your friends.
You can do this easily and quickly. It does not have to be anything fancy. Just post a simple update every now and then so that they know you are active on your page.
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