All Communication is a Sales Pitch

4 replies
Greetings Warriors.

I hope everyone is doing great today. I wanted to run this by you. Maybe it will save a few of you some cash that is getting away.

I'm not least not a successful one...yet. After 6 years moving in IM circles, first over at DP and now here, I know what it takes, how it works, and what a good marketer reads like...and not just a good one, but an honest one.

How many sales have you lost because you got lazy on an email reply to someone you deemed as "not serious"?

It must be exhausting...all the correspondence that demands your time in addition to running your business. Aside from that, family and life happens. It's real easy to send a hasty reply of a sentence or two...or to not reply at all. Every time you communicate with someone online, it's a sales pitch.

Now I don't mean you should sound like an infomercial. Being real is important, but be aware of who you're brushing off.

A scenario:

I latched onto a marketer. I don't mean in a creepy way. :-) I came across his/her stuff and she/he seemed really genuine, and I think he/she still is. I emailed this person, and they were kind enough to review my site and reply. I could tell he/she had put some time and thought into it.

Knowing that this person was busy, I thanked him/her for her/his quick response. A few weeks later, I emailed him/her with a few questions...nothing too deep. A few "since blah, do you think I should blah" type questions. I also stated in this was probably 3 paragraphs, that I planned to buy this marketer's main product following the holidays.

I received 2 out of probably 3 questions answered, and it put a bad taste in my mouth. Now, things happen, and people get busy. Maybe I was her/his 1000th email of the day...the last one before their inbox was empty, and they were done with it for the, I'm considering these things. However, before I was SOLD on their product, now I'm debating.

ALL communication is a sales pitch. If you have to write a short email, perhaps include at least once sentence acknowledging your shortness. I'm not saying you owe anyone an explanation of anything. I'm just saying...if you're short, your next check might come up short.

I thought this might help some of you who are running ragged with correspondence. Keep on keeping on, Marketers. Doing your best and giving of yourself and your time will never come back fruitless.
#communication #pitch #sales
  • Profile picture of the author KohenD
    Yes you are right . And if not selling products its selling yourself in a way.

    Thats why , even if you are extremely busy, just drop a line saying: "Hi, I just thought that I let you know that I am really tied up at the moment, but I will do my best to get back to you ASAP "

    That way, customer knows that they have not been ignored and also it wont leave them feeling like they got a 2 word reply to their long email

    Obviously if you write that, you better mean it and actually answer properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Vraibel
    Absolutely. I can think of many times where I've decided to either purchase or not purchase from someone strictly because of their customer service. It's a huge reason why I've stuck with Hostgator for so long and never even thought about looking elsewhere even if it were cheaper. It's also the reason that I left Paypal shortly after joining.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlackRob
    Is all communication a sales presentation? I would have to say yes to that. We sell all the time, whether it be to a new partner we are interested in getting with, or talking to our friends, we are constantly selling ourselves.

    In IM it can be difficult to remember that, and rather worryingly a lot of marketers are forgetting just that by some of the emails I am sure most of us recieve. By giving first freely without expecting in return, we can then build trust on all levels, and sell more products or services later, as people like us now.

    Just my view.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanA4D
    All communication is designed to persuade.

    If your effective at it, you'll be very successful.
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