Content Curation - best resources?

9 replies
Hi all.... I've been doing some investigating of content curation over the weekend, and I have found that there is a LOT to learn. Any thoughts on the best sources to learn about doing content curation the right way? I can't really tell who is actually successful at doing this as opposed to who is just teaching about it.

I also looked at things like Curation Soft and Curation Traffic (theme). I love the idea of being able to easily grab content and add my own thoughts (not just massive adding of links, etc). Any thoughts on software to make the process of curating easier? Not automated - just easier.

Any information is greatly appreciated!

#content #curation #resources
  • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
    Hi Charity

    Setting up Google Alerts for your keywords springs to mind?

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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    There are many sources you can use

    Article directories
    Your local library

    are just a few that spring to mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Han Fan
    Originally Posted by sellerscompanion View Post

    Hi all.... I've been doing some investigating of content curation over the weekend, and I have found that there is a LOT to learn. Any thoughts on the best sources to learn about doing content curation the right way? I can't really tell who is actually successful at doing this as opposed to who is just teaching about it.

    I also looked at things like Curation Soft and Curation Traffic (theme). I love the idea of being able to easily grab content and add my own thoughts (not just massive adding of links, etc). Any thoughts on software to make the process of curating easier? Not automated - just easier.

    Any information is greatly appreciated!

    Wait until end of this month, paul got some for that

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  • Profile picture of the author Norma Rickman
    Yes, there is an awesome, free Wordpress plugin called Insights by Vladimir Prelovac of SEO Smart Links fame that is an excellent tool for curation.

    I have Curationsoft, and I like this plugin just as well--maybe even better.


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  • Profile picture of the author Fallen_Angel
    If your looking for trends there is really no better source then its new and scrapes queries from bing search, twitter search, facebook and some news outlets.
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  • Profile picture of the author domainarama
    Don't ignore zemanta, which has a WP plugin.

    Thanx Norma Rickman for mentioning Insights, which is a winner!
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Awes
      You could hire a part time outsourcer. May be that person could work 1 day a week to create the curation content for the whole week and schedule the posts in a drip feed maner.

      Why was your signature file linking to a domain owned by someone else?

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  • Profile picture of the author drkscript
    My best pick is CurationSoft, Its drag n' drop feature makes it easy for you to post the selected article into your blog and it is compatible to most blogging platform. Just type in your keyword and it will give you a huge list of blogs related to it, even videos, news and twitter. No need to browse other sites

    I have been using Google Alerts before, its fine but its a little time consuming.
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