Mass Control Question
How many people do you think that buy mass control have problems implementing ? How many people really actually use it ?
I think the gurus overlook the fact that their customers dont have the skills or resources or know where to source the resources to implement the changes they teach. I could never make a video, I could never write emails etc. and what I mean by that is that I couldnt do it with sufficient creative quality. It is effortless for Frank to write an email and shoot a video and maybe that is where the disconnect comes from.
I am not an idiot, I am just not a creative personable communicator/marketer. I am a physcial product inventor and really good at it. With horrible marketing I have still managed to get $3 million in sales. With better marketing and mass control I could make much more, I recognize it but cant do it myself.
So my question is are there people out there that buy mass control who are service providers that will do a launch for you ? If so, you never hear about them. If there is a place to go to find one please tell me. If you do this please speak up or pm me.
I think someone could really clean up by doing other peoples launches on commission. I think it might be a wiser investment for some if you paid someone else the $2k instead of frank (plus commission). Heck, maybe someone would be willing to do it for straight commission and cost you nothing up front.
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