Are You Really an Expert? Prove It...
I'm going to give you a new way to look at expertise.
I just finished reading the latest issue of TalkBiz News, by our own Paul Myers. He made the point that, if someone does not understand what you are saying, it doesn't necessarily mean they have some kind of intellectual deficiency (six-bit phrase for 'they're dumb'). It might just mean they don't have the background to understand the concept, and that you need to be prepared to explain in terms they understand.
Which leads to this take on expertise and 'being an expert'.
For me, a true expert is someone whose knowledge of their subject is thorough enough to not only 'talk the talk' but explain it in terms those without the same background can understand. It doesn't matter if your topic is SEO, steak sauce or shoe shopping.
If you tell me to buy a certain pair of shoes, and I ask why, and all you can do is feed me a list of features, you are not an expert. If you can explain to me that a certain stitching pattern or design feature indicates a long and useful life for those shoes, and do it in plain language, you just might be an expert.
So I put it out for discussion...
Is the ability to explain high-level concepts in a way that non-experts can understand, without 'dumbing things down', and how those concepts fit together, a sign of a true expert?
Or is it simpler than that?
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