Passing articles to articles directories is the last stop right?

by Jensha
7 replies
My next batch of paid articles is about to come and I just want to know if there are other steps that I should do about it.

First is to post it on our blog/site right?
Then wait for it to be indexed. (Usually within 12-24 hours)
Then pass it to article directories. (I pass it to E Zine Articles)
And then what?
That should do it right?
#articles #directories #passing #stop
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Jensha View Post

    First is to post it on our blog/site right?
    Always. Never give an article directory the initial indexation-rights to previously unpublished content.

    Originally Posted by Jensha View Post

    Then wait for it to be indexed. (Usually within 12-24 hours)
    Yes (usually).

    Originally Posted by Jensha View Post

    Then pass it to article directories. (I pass it to E Zine Articles)
    I do that last of all (though it doesn't make all that much difference, as long as you've had it indexed on your own site). But in-between having it indexed on my site and putting a copy in EZA, I have my entire article marketing process.

    Putting it in EZA (and some other directory, if you want to use a second one as well) is only a way of achieving passive syndication. It can be very good, and very worthwhile, and it's certainly worth doing, of course. But it can also be slow-moving, variable in its outcome, and unreliable. For an article marketer, it's a good afterthought, but only really "an afterthought" to the article marketing process itself:
    Best way to submit articles?
    What is the Best site for Posting Articles
    Best sites to submit articles?
    Article Writing & Syndication Explained?
    Really dumb article SYNDICATION question
    Mass Article Submission and Article Syndication. Any Difference?
    A question for Alexa Smith and MYOB
    Does Article Syndication Works Like Wonders?

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Once again, Alexa and her handy list of highly relevant links saves me from carpal tunnel risk typing out an answer...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jensha
    You know Alexa, whenever I ask a question, and (I thank heavens) you give your an answer, I always wonder when will I have the knowledge or mastery of all the information in this forum to be able to advise like you and recommend a LOT of other links to other useful references.

    Then I look at the number of posts that you currently have, then I look at mine... Then I start to go back to my problems and think about my current achievable goals instead.

    Whew. Thanks Alexa. ^_^
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7527380].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Jensha View Post

      I always wonder when will I have the knowledge or mastery of all the information in this forum to be able to advise like you and recommend a LOT of other links to other useful references.
      You will. There are vast areas about which I know nothing. And I'm technophobic and incompetent at techie things, and I have to outsource some things that 99% of Warriors can do in their sleep. (So I'll probably be coming to you for advice some time in future, anyway; don't worry about it!). :rolleyes:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7527403].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        You will. There are vast areas about which I know nothing. And I'm technophobic and incompetent at techie things, and I have to outsource some things that 99% of Warriors can do in their sleep. (So I'll probably be coming to you for advice some time in future, anyway; don't worry about it!). :rolleyes:
        Don't let her fool you .. she can write and market with the best of them .. all while building a 55 Chevy from the ground up.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7527530].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Anomalous
      Originally Posted by Jensha View Post

      I always wonder when will I have the knowledge or mastery of all the information in this forum to be able to advise like you and recommend a LOT of other links to other useful references.
      IMHO, Alexa's constant and helpful responses have less to do with "knowledge or mastery" of any particular subject, and more to do with the spirit of giving and organizational skills.

      Don't get me wrong, she's smart... but that is not what distinguishes her from other members of this forum. You can't swing a dead cat by its tail without hitting a smart person here.

      I think the single most important thing to learn from Alexa is her attitude. She manages to be a forum marketing genius while never, ever making someone feel that they are being sold to. This is the hallmark of success

      Build a MASSIVE list with this premade, highly optimized funnel plus $16 front-end commissions

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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    There are beginning to be some rather good content re-purposing ideas in this thread

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