It is about commision junction.

3 replies
I hope many would have used commission junction to monetize their site/blog.
I want to know about few things:
  1. I want to know on average how much should you expect from 100 clicks?
  2. 40-50 Clicks in 1000 views ... is it good enough?
  3. After how much time they update clicks, sales data?
  4. What should i expect if i get 40-50 clicks ... an average?
  5. Please let us know how much you make on average from this source?
If you can't reply all question please answer few.
#commision #commision junction #junction #monetize #sales
  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst has a colum which shows you the average earnings of affiliates per every 100 clicks the send to the offers. The amount of money that you can expect to get from those clicks will depend on the quality of the traffic, landing page and many other factors.

    Let me tell you that you are a newbie in this field, and this arena is pretty complicated. I think that you need to learn the ins and outs of this business before spending a dime on ppc, ppv and other stuff.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7594714].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author funtler
      Originally Posted by napoleonfirst View Post has a colum which shows you the average earnings of affiliates per every 100 clicks the send to the offers. The amount of money that you can expect to get from those clicks will depend on the quality of the traffic, landing page and many other factors.

      Let me tell you that you are a newbie in this field, and this arena is pretty complicated. I think that you need to learn the ins and outs of this business before spending a dime on ppc, ppv and other stuff.
      I liked your dialogue "Let me tell you that you are a newbie in this field, and this arena is pretty complicated."
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7594964].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author XanBarksdale
    Your questions are very vague and hard to answer. "How much should you expect from 100 clicks?"...There is no way of answering that question. It depends on the price of the products you're promoting, how good the traffic is, the quality of the ecommerce site, etc.

    For example I used to promote two different sites in the same niche. One offered 8% commissions with 30 day cookies, and the other offered 9% commission with 180 day cookies. Seems like a no brainer which one to promote, right? Well, I had much better results with the 8% and 30 day cookies because that e-commerce site was built better and offered better customer support. So even though it looks like a no brainer on paper it really wasn't.

    A lot of your results depend on the sites you're's not just the # of clicks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7594722].message }}

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