Succeeded with some sales but failed with my LIST..
I have my own product and have made sales. I have an opt-in and people mainly purchase my product after subscribing and receiving a free guide initially.
I have 1200 on my list and I have emailed them a few times but I have completely lost my way with this as all I have concentrated on is getting traffic to my site. When I have emailed my list any offers in the past it has resulted in nothing.
I want to start providing some good info about my niche to my list and I also want to start making offers to my list for other products.
Can anyone offer me any help as to how I can start building a relationship with my list. If there are any products available to help me I would also consider. It feels so weird - on one hand I feel happy I have made sales, on the other side I feel like I have completely failed. I have a decent list and haven't done very much

Would appreciate any help. If anyone can give any info as to the way they send out emails like frequencies of info/offers etc, I would be grateful.
Thank you!

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