Some Email Marketing Tips ...

21 replies
Hello Warriors,

Just a few email marketing tips for you all ...

Let me just 1st quickly fix 2 misused terms ...

AutoResponder ... This is just ONE portion of what ALL AR Companies do. The correct term is ESP, which stands for: Email Service Provider.

Broadcast ... Technically NOT wrong, but, just not the preferred word in the industry. Most prefer to use: Campaign.

Now, on to the rest of this LONG message ...

Let me first state this clearly ... Regardless of what all the headline and spotlight hunters say ... EMAIL MARKETING IS NOT DEAD!

Email marketing STILL provides the highest ROI of ANY advertising medium on the Internet today!

Email Marketing IS changing though!

This started back in 2010 already, but, it's getting more and more focus, and there is ONE word to describe what's happening, and if you choose to ignore this one word, you WILL run into trouble soon.

That ONE word is: ENGAGEMENT

It's also not just about getting people to open your email anymore. Tier 1 ISP's like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, AOL and Comcast now track MUCH more than just the opens.

They track stuff like how long it's open for, how many links have been clicked in your last X number of emails, etc, etc.

When your ENGAGEMENT goes down, so does your ability to Inbox. This is REGARDLESS of how well your ESP's IP and domain reputation is!

Here are a few tips to drastically HELP with your Inboxing and engagement, REGARDLESS of what ESP you use!

1. ALWAYS ask your subscriber to whitelist your FROM email address AND add it to their address book. NOT just on your thankyou page, BUT, in EVERY email! Even Google directly recommends this here: Legitimate mail is marked as spam - Gmail Help
2. Regardless of what the so called guru's tell you, NEVER EVER use a free email account like Gmail, Yahoo, whatever as your FROM address! This actually counts NEGATIVELY against you, even if it's on the same service. The general consensus is that using a from address of Gmail, when sending TO Gmail will do better. NOT!!! Use your OWN domain as the FROM address, and make sure the FROM address DOES exist and can receive email.
3. ALWAYS use the SAME from address for the same list!
4. Regardless of weather your ESP allows single opt-in or not, ALWAYS use double opt-in ... Yes, yes, I know, you will get a LOT less subscribers than with single opt-in. BUT, what MOST people don't realize is that it is about QUALITY and NEVER about size when it comes to email marketing! With big anti spam organizations using more and more spam traps, it's virtually impossible to NOT get a spam trap on a single opt-in list! Spam traps DON'T confirm, and thus will never affect your deliverability! Spam traps WILL cause you to not only go to spam, but, if you have a few, WILL get your account canceled by any reputable ESP!
5. Create a schedule and STICK to it! If you send 3 days per week, don't deviate unless you REALLY have to, and when you do, tell your subscribers it's a deviation, and why you're deviating! You're basically training your subscribers to expect an email from you on a certain day.
6. Send ONLY RELAVENT emails. If your subscriber signed up for a fitness newsletter, DON'T send them ANYTHING but directly fitness related emails.
7. A VERY disturbing trend among especially Internet Marketers lately is to use deceiving subject lines. Something like: Your PayPal commission paid. Not only will these deceptive subject lines get your account canceled at your ESP, but, they don't work. As soon as your subscriber realizes you lied to them, they mark you as spam. Not to mention that it is ILLEGAL! DON'T DO IT!
8. Don't share, buy, lease or rent lists! If you did not build the list yourself, you DO NOT have a relationship with them, and they WILL cause you ENDLESS troubles! Build it yourself through things like solo adds, giveaways, etc. Use proper, LEGITIMATE list building practices.
9. IF you use co-reg, and your ESP allows it, make SURE to IMMEDIATELY send a welcome email, explaining why and how they were added to your list. DO NOT sell to them in the first few messages!
10. Build a genuine relationship! Make your from address one that you can read, and when people respond to your email, respond back if it's appropriate! You WILL get swearing and abusing. Just ignore those, remove them from your list, and move on. You'll be happier! ;-)
11. I'll leave you with this one last, semi sexual reference ... "It's not the size of the wave. It's the motion of the ocean." In the context of email marketing, not the gutter part where most of your minds went, this basically says this: It's not how big your list is, but, rather how you use that list, AND, how responsive that list is! I have seen 5K lists out perform 100K lists!

I can actually go on for MANY more pages on how to do email marketing correctly, but, this would become such a long post, it will actually be useless as no-one will read it because of it's length.

Hope you find something useful in there that you can use right now!
#email #marketing #tips
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I agree with the 'send only relevant' emails section. That part can't be emphasized enough. If you want to destroy your list, send only ads and garbage. People will develop 'newsletter blindness.' Not good.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    That's a pretty informative and exhaustive information on email marketing. Am not a list building or email marketing expert that's why I really appreciate all the info you've shared here.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    one more tip is to not promote in every single email that you send out to your list. everyone says it's common sense, but you don't know how many marketer's do it....

    send some value....the ratio i usually use is 3-1...3 value emails earns me 1 promotion email.

    get your list to trust you first before you even promote. ive had a few marketers promote the first email after my confirmation.....
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  • Profile picture of the author mattjay
    some marketers would say you can promote to your list every single day, as long as you have a constant flow of leads coming in. I have been on a number of warriors lists' who do this. I'm talking buyers lists, too. Just shell out 30 emails a month promoting things, sometimes two things. Sometimes twice a day! lol

    I think the best policy would be to promote every now and again, and with not as much frequency. Particularly if you have a buyers list.


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    • Profile picture of the author brianoliveruk
      Hi Richelo,
      Thanks for your valuable advice.
      Personally I have struggled in the past to know how many emails to send out to my list, and how often.
      I didn't like to pester or bother them.
      What I have found since is that when I am providing valuable free content to my subscribers they appreciate this and some even let me know by posting on my blog etc. However when I send out a few emails relating to the same 'offer' I sometimes get complaints and unsubscribes.
      So its a case of a happy medium. Now I try to send out a series of valuable emails with video training or tips and advice, and on the last one in the series I may promote a related offer. This has worked best for me, and I would recommend this to others.
      Thanks again

      [FREE TRAFFIC HACK] The Secret Money Project
      Brian Oliver
      The Honest Marketer

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    • Profile picture of the author Jim Phillips
      I would suggest test, test and test. To see what works best for your market.

      Sometimes just a few small links under your name to your products will open up many sales. If those products will help your readers.

      Best Regards,


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      "Life is like a merry-go-round. What goes around, comes around."

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    To be really successful with email marketing, the secret is to have new fresh leads come in all the time.

    You can not build a list of 500 people and then stop. You can not expect them all to buy or have a high percentage of buyers. New fresh leads is critical. This is my own view and it is totally true.

    Some people can make a sale for every 30 new subscribers and some can make a sale after their 200th person has subscribed. It is all a numbers game and everyone's results are different.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    Originally Posted by Richelo Killian View Post

    4. Regardless of weather your ESP allows single opt-in or not, ALWAYS use double opt-in … Yes, yes, I know, you will get a LOT less subscribers than with single opt-in. BUT, what MOST people don’t realize is that it is about QUALITY and NEVER about size when it comes to email marketing! With big anti spam organizations using more and more spam traps, it’s virtually impossible to NOT get a spam trap on a single opt-in list! Spam traps DON’T confirm, and thus will never affect your deliverability! Spam traps WILL cause you to not only go to spam, but, if you have a few, WILL get your account canceled by any reputable ESP!
    ** edit: I deleted my comments.. but suffice it to say, this is not how any spam traps that I am aware of work at all **


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  • Profile picture of the author madstan
    As a former email marketer I think email marketing is entirely overrated, don’t get me wrong I made thousands in the past doing it but there’s way too much work and risk involved practicing this technique. Nothing beats SEO marketing as a safer and less involved marketing technique. Sure there’s work involved initially and occasionally you do have to tweak certain things but that’s nothing compared to the work you have to do maintaining email campaigns. Plus your income is entirely dependent and limited on the response of the recipients on the list, whereas with SEO your offers are available to the entire world via the SE’s.

    Both have their advantages and disadvantages but I love my odds with SEO.
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    • Profile picture of the author retsced
      Originally Posted by madstan View Post

      As a former email marketer I think email marketing is entirely overrated, don't get me wrong I made thousands in the past doing it but there's way too much work and risk involved practicing this technique. Nothing beats SEO marketing as a safer and less involved marketing technique. Sure there's work involved initially and occasionally you do have to tweak certain things but that's nothing compared to the work you have to do maintaining email campaigns. Plus your income is entirely dependent and limited on the response of the recipients on the list, whereas with SEO your offers are available to the entire world via the SE's.

      Both have their advantages and disadvantages but I love my odds with SEO.
      You're joking, right?
      Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
      for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7648720].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author madstan
        Originally Posted by retsced View Post

        You're joking, right?
        As an experienced email marketer I do know what I'm talking about. So I can definitely assure you that I am not jesting my good man. My new philosophy (almost a decade old) is a borrowed but enhanced one "if you build it PROPERLY they will come and stay!" Why email your offers when you can just set up shop and allow potential customers to come to them instead? They will appreciate your offers more if they find them on the first pages of search engines. You may ask 'how will they find you then" and I will answer "do your SEO properly."
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        • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
          Originally Posted by madstan View Post

          As an experienced email marketer I do know what I'm talking about. So I can definitely assure you that I am not jesting my good man. My new philosophy (almost a decade old) is a borrowed but enhanced one "if you build it PROPERLY they will come and stay!" Why email your offers when you can just set up shop and allow potential customers to come to them instead? They will appreciate your offers more if they find them on the first pages of search engines. You may ask 'how will they find you then" and I will answer "do your SEO properly."
          You must be on a wind up.
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          • Profile picture of the author madstan
            Originally Posted by RockingLastsForever View Post

            You must be on a wind up.

            I do things (Internet marketing) a bit differently than most.
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            • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
              Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

              ** edit: I deleted my comments.. but suffice it to say, this is not how any spam traps that I am aware of work at all **
              Sorry I missed your comments.

              Going DEEP into how spam traps works is WAY beyond this post. ALL I'm, saying with the double opt-in part is that no spam trap is going to confirm, so, you're 99% certain that you won't get spam traps on your list.

              When an existing email address get's converted to a trap, it usually FIRST hard bounces for a few months, so, and proper setup will remove the address before it becomes a trap.

              Trust me when I tell you that I have been doing this for over 5 years solid, and know exactly how traps, honey pots, and all other kinds of traps work.

              I'm NOT talking about using other services, and have some clue ... I run one myself, and have for 4 years, so, I deal with this from a low down technical level, every single day.
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              • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
                Good post, Richelo. Some of us do still read...

                I always thought that a 'broadcast' was a single message sent outside an existing pre-scheduled series of messages. Both the scheduled messages and the unscheduled broadcasts would make up the overall 'campaign'.

                Another thing...

                I've always thought that using a gmail address was fine for a From: or Reply-to: address, simply because accessing that account from anywhere was simple. I wasn't aware that using such was a negative factor in scoring emails. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author ochaim
    Madstan, you have no worries about being able to stay in the good graces of the search engines?
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    • Profile picture of the author madstan
      Originally Posted by ochaim View Post

      Madstan, you have no worries about being able to stay in the good graces of the search engines?

      Actually I do. Prior to panda and penguin I had a very successful blog that was bringing in the dineros mostly from Google SE referrals, until Google introduced its Asian and Artic friends to it. I had no choice but to start over and attempt to rebuild what I once had. I now have a different outlook on what I thought I had known about SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Suggested tip #12. Always format your emails so they
    are easy to read.

    BTW, that tip applies to posts as well.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenwaldo
    Pretty good post, although it could have been formatted to be a little bit more readable.

    Nonetheless, I have followed all of these tips as far as I know, and they really do work. My open rates are always 40% and up, and that's because I (A) provide serious value, (B) build a real relationship, and (C) use common sense.

    I even follow tip #1, but that's because I subscribed to other prominent email marketers and followed their strategy. Which, by the way, is highly recommended.

    OP is definitely a good read for any budding e-mail marketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    Email marketing is effective but much like any marketing channel or strategy, you're best combining it with other marketing channels such as mobile, social, print.

    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tanya E
    Great post with a lot of information here! I am planning on using an autoresponder and looking on one to start with. I will be choosing between Listwire a free autoresponder and Imnicamail.

    When it comes to engaging with subscribers could you give us some more information? Is it better to write short articles or point them towards useful blog posts on websites? Also, what is an acceptable rate of product promotion e.g. once/ twice a week?
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