Email Marketing for "How to get your ex back"?

21 replies
I am in the "getting your ex back" niche.

For email marketing, which would be better?

-Offer a free download PLR book on "how to get your ex back"
(This book is rather long, 22 pages and may give away too much info, preventing them from buying the product I'm trying to sell)

- Offer a 5 day course on how to get your ex back? Taking small bits from the PLR book

However, if a person is desperate to get their ex back they may not want to wait 5 days for a solution. After 5 days they may not be as keen to buy?

When is the best time to sell the product in the emails?
#email #how to get your ex back #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
    This is a market I've had some success with, and I can tell you that one of the most important things to realize about this niche is that people want the solution to how to get their ex back NOW. As in, as soon as possible. With email marketing, this is NOT a niche that you want to build up with endless freebies and info. You want to get right to the recommendation of the ex back program and effectively say "I know you're in pain right now, this IS the solution to your problems."

    You also don't want to give away too much (if you're trying to make money, that is). So really, neither of your ideas (large report or 5-day mini course) are ideal.

    As for an opt-in freebie to get them on the list, do something like "The 7 nasty habits you have to stop doing right now if you ever want to get your ex back"

    People will open and read that kind of thing and if there's good information and this freebie convinces them of it's legitimacy and the importance of this info, your very next email can be a presell pitch for an ex-back product. (Although honestly, you should have a link and a short recommendation for the actual product on your 1st email anyways, and probably even your opt-in report)

    It doesn't take a hard sell, just a "check out this video by _______, he's helped thousands of people around the world get their exes back..."

    And so on. In this market, it really doesn't take a lot to sell. Just try to genuinely help your prospects find a good solution.
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    • Profile picture of the author theaccountant
      Originally Posted by Cool Hand Luke View Post

      This is a market I've had some success with, and I can tell you that one of the most important things to realize about this niche is that people want the solution to how to get their ex back NOW. As in, as soon as possible. With email marketing, this is NOT a niche that you want to build up with endless freebies and info. You want to get right to the recommendation of the ex back program and effectively say "I know you're in pain right now, this IS the solution to your problems."

      You also don't want to give away too much (if you're trying to make money, that is). So really, neither of your ideas (large report or 5-day mini course) are ideal.

      As for an opt-in freebie to get them on the list, do something like "The 7 nasty habits you have to stop doing right now if you ever want to get your ex back"

      People will open and read that kind of thing and if there's good information and this freebie convinces them of it's legitimacy and the importance of this info, your very next email can be a presell pitch for an ex-back product. (Although honestly, you should have a link and a short recommendation for the actual product on your 1st email anyways, and probably even your opt-in report)

      It doesn't take a hard sell, just a "check out this video by _______, he's helped thousands of people around the world get their exes back..."

      And so on. In this market, it really doesn't take a lot to sell. Just try to genuinely help your prospects find a good solution.

      that is brilliant .. now that is money talk .. well done .. have a drink on me!!
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      • Profile picture of the author seanpbh
        That information is a great help for me! If you were doing some thing like "7 nasty habits etc." to get people to opt-in, would you have the answers in a downloadable report or just in the first email?

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        • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
          Originally Posted by seanpbh View Post

          That information is a great help for me! If you were doing some thing like "7 nasty habits etc." to get people to opt-in, would you have the answers in a downloadable report or just in the first email?

          It depends. If you're building a list offering this info, I'd go for the "free report" as an opt-in enticement. If you already have a list in this market, you can do the email "mini lesson" with a link and recommendation to the product in the message itself.
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    • Profile picture of the author MattCatania
      Originally Posted by Cool Hand Luke View Post

      As for an opt-in freebie to get them on the list, do something like "The 7 nasty habits you have to stop doing right now if you ever want to get your ex back".
      I agree, this is one angle you could approach.

      Having had this be the first niche I entered, I've found that giving away the first one or two chapters for free is an excellent way to build desire, satisfy a need for them to opt-in to your list and pre-sell the product all at the same time.

      This, of course, is easier if you own the product yourself. It's entirely possible to get permission from the author to use the first few chapters as an incentive to opt-in to your list, explaining to them that it'll help you boost sales of their product (always sell the 'what's in it for them' stuff). You're effectively giving them a taste of a high-quality product (if you chose your product correctly) without 'giving away the farm'.

      Logic outweighs all.

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    This niche always cracks me up. I don't want any of my ex's back...
    That's why they are called "Ex-"

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author tomerep
    I think offering a 5 day course on how to get your ex back would work. who would want to read long pages when you are desperately want to get your ex in the shortest period of time. go for that.
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    • Profile picture of the author MattCatania
      Originally Posted by tomerep View Post

      I think offering a 5 day course on how to get your ex back would work. who would want to read long pages when you are desperately want to get your ex in the shortest period of time. go for that.
      I disagree - the perfect candidates for long sales copy are in fact those that are passionately and desperate for information in that niche. To be honest, long sales copy isn't the only way to sell products.

      For this type of market, a 5-day course *MAY* generate some sales, but the majority of people are hurting right now, they'll do anything right now to get that person back in their life. All they think about is that person, and how they can't stand spending another minute away from them, fearing that they'll lose them to someone else forever. 5 days may seem like years for some of those hot prospects, and it may just be the reason your potential customers buy from somebody else.

      It's ironic that you mention a '5-day course' would be more suitable for someone who wants to get their ex back in the 'shortest period of time', yet nobody would want to read 'long pages'...

      Logic outweighs all.

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      • Profile picture of the author theaccountant
        Originally Posted by MattCatania View Post

        I disagree - the perfect candidates for long sales copy are in fact those that are passionately and desperate for information in that niche. To be honest, long sales copy isn't the only way to sell products.

        For this type of market, a 5-day course *MAY* generate some sales, but the majority of people are hurting right now, they'll do anything right now to get that person back in their life. All they think about is that person, and how they can't stand spending another minute away from them, fearing that they'll lose them to someone else forever. 5 days may seem like years for some of those hot prospects, and it may just be the reason your potential customers buy from somebody else.
        That is an amazing answer and insight. I might need your consultancy in a few months on a potentiial project. Yeah certainly not your average 19 year old . Well done!!

        Keep me on your radar. I have a few projects to bed down now and the company has a few offline deals it has just put together that we need to take full advantage of as well as my practice is going in the right direction . So maybe in 5 / 6 months we will catch up and put something down if you are minded. Not exactly in dating but sorted of related human drama. We will chat hopefully
        Signature learn about making money out of gold and gold investment this is the real deal!!
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  • Profile picture of the author seanpbh
    Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try out a free report about "deadly mistakes your making with your ex"(something like that) and see how it goes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
      Originally Posted by seanpbh View Post

      Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try out a free report about "deadly mistakes your making with your ex"(something like that) and see how it goes.
      The key is to offer a BIG, IRRESISTIBLE hook like "Discover the 7 Deadly Mistakes You MUST Stop Right Now If You Ever Want Your Ex Back"... urgency and working with a prospects "fear of loss" is HUGE in this market.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    What I usually do is just give them a series of videos, some really helpful videos solving a few real problems for them, then making an offer at the end, I give away a ton of free stuff and have never ever found it to be to much
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  • Profile picture of the author newBum76
    Oooh the good ol' ex back niche...I made some of my first money online a few years back selling an ex back clickbank product. Great niche, you'll never run out of desperate buyers!

    I sold a pack of ex back PLR articles I wrote myself a while back and they're pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I'm feeling generous today...if you want em' they're yours, no strings, no opt in. PM me an email address if you'd like them and I'll zip them up and shoot em your way.

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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    I agree that you'll want to put the offer in front of them soon. Try a video as soon as they opt in that walks through a couple good techniques or whatever, and then pitch the product itself at the end of the video and have a buy button appear.

    Take the controls off the video- just let them pause it that's it. In almost any niche that will out convert just pitching it in the first email or from a PDF report.
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  • Profile picture of the author longblog
    The people in this market LOVE to talk, type, and interact. They are going crazy in their heads, and they need to vent. I know two people who would get 1000+ word articles written as comments on 200 word blog posts. With that in mind, I'd say you set up a FREE members only forum. They can talk all they want to other people who also want to ramble on. Give them access after giving their email. You'll probably have to moderate it daily though to make sure they aren't giving out program secrets to each other. I'd disable PM functionality and probably take some other preventative measures as well. The cool thing is they might sell each other on the idea, and you can have your affiliate banners all over the site. Damn, that's not a bad idea. I might just do that myself.

    edit: cool hand luke's suggestion is really tip top too imo.
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    • Profile picture of the author newBum76
      Originally Posted by longblog View Post

      The people in this market LOVE to talk, type, and interact. They are going crazy in their heads, and they need to vent. I know two people who would get 1000+ word articles written as comments on 200 word blog posts. With that in mind, I'd say you set up a FREE members only forum. They can talk all they want to other people who also want to ramble on. Give them access after giving their email. You'll probably have to moderate it daily though to make sure they aren't giving out program secrets to each other. I'd disable PM functionality and probably take some other preventative measures as well. The cool thing is they might sell each other on the idea, and you can have your affiliate banners all over the site. Damn, that's not a bad idea. I might just do that myself.

      edit: cool hand luke's suggestion is really tip top too imo.
      I totally agree. Years ago I was dumped and that's exactly what I did - talk talk talk for hours on forums. This was before I got into's funny because I remember going through sales copy for different "ex back" ebooks and reading all the autoresponder emails and thinking "wow, I bet these people make a crapload of money selling this stuff".

      I should add that one of the ebooks I read actually did help me get my ex back lol. When I became a marketer later on this was the perfect niche for me to get into because A) I completely understood the mindset of the buyers, which enabled me to write very high converting content, and B) I knew from firsthand experience that the product I was promoting delivered real results, so I had absolute faith in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author djleon1
    I assume your ultimate goal is to promote a product and get some sales so your freebie should be a lead in to that without giving it all away. One popular product is the text your ex back one so you could tie in a freebie that has some sample texts or something similar.

    This is an evergreen niche but the buyers are not always evergreen. I have found lists in this niche do not have as long of a shelf life as in the weight loss/fitness niche
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    • I have to ask, is there a "My ex is stalking me" niche?

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    • Profile picture of the author seanpbh
      This is an evergreen niche but the buyers are not always evergreen. I have found lists in this niche do not have as long of a shelf life as in the weight loss/fitness niche
      As this niche would have a shorter shelf life would it be better to offer several different products in the emails over a couple of weeks and have a kind of "burn the list out approach"

      In a months time the information may not be as relevant to them, they may no longer want to get back with their ex, want to move on etc. and be less likely to buy a product at that stage?
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Here is a pitch to hit the spectrum. Good, better, best.

    "how fast do you want your ex back?"

    1. really fast, like yesterday "i can't stop thinking about my ex"==>premium price immediate premium product

    2. in a week or two===>mid level price, appropriate content

    3. eventually===>longer term, lower price strategy.

    They might dip their toe in at #3 but will be real curious of the better and best options.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author David Moore
    It comes down to the power of copy-writing, how can you persuade those poor guy / girl until they are convinced that your product is worth their time and money. Helpful advice is not enough, give them comment or prove of people who thanks you for the awesome advice. Never underestimate testimonial, you have to at least give three or more testimonial in your landing page.
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