Email Marketing for "How to get your ex back"?
For email marketing, which would be better?
-Offer a free download PLR book on "how to get your ex back"
(This book is rather long, 22 pages and may give away too much info, preventing them from buying the product I'm trying to sell)
- Offer a 5 day course on how to get your ex back? Taking small bits from the PLR book
However, if a person is desperate to get their ex back they may not want to wait 5 days for a solution. After 5 days they may not be as keen to buy?
When is the best time to sell the product in the emails? this is the real deal!!
Logic outweighs all.
The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."
...A tachyon enters a bar.
Logic outweighs all. this is the real deal!!
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In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt