Here we go - Internet Sales Tax vote

by HeySal
2 replies
Everyone should really take a close look at this one:

“Marketplace Fairness Act” could force Amazon to collect sales tax | Ars Technica

Time to pick up the phone to your legislators and tell them to knock it off.
#internet #sales #tax #vote
  • Profile picture of the author yosk
    wow...good to know !

    thanks for the sharing HaySal!

    does it means that now i have to pay tax?
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Don't know yet. We'll find out real soon. If enough people put up enough fuss, it won't get passed. They were trying to slip this across in stealth style. If it were to pass, at least Americans would have to charge sales tax for any of their products. I'm not real sure how the average ebook or software sales entrepreneur will be expected to to this one. It seems the tax charged goes by location of the buyer instead of location of the seller - which is about the only way most of us could do this one.

    It's something we really have to watch - it just passed the Senate today so we can still knock it out if enough people put the energy into doing so.

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