Question about JVZoo affiliate links

5 replies
I'm a vendor of a few products on jvzoo which have affiliate programs.

Say an affiliate refers somebody to one of my products through their affiliate link. If the person being referred to the product creates their own affiliate link for that product, before buying it, will the commission still be tracked to the affiliate who referred them? Is there some kind of security feature to keep people from buying through their own affiliate link?

If not, is there any way to prevent that?

#affiliate #jvzoo #links #question
  • That depends on the philosophy behind the platform.

    Some platforms, such as Clickbank, don't care or prevent anything about it because in their eyes, it's OK to buy through your own affiliate link. Some others, such as my own DealGuardian platform, do not think it's OK to buy through your own affiliate link, and only pay the affiliate commission once the affiliate has scored 2+ sales for the same product.

    Like I said, it varies depending on the platform.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
      JVZoo doesn't let affiliates buy from their own link. The system will throw an error blocking the purchase
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      • Profile picture of the author brutecky
        Originally Posted by Bryan Zimmerman View Post

        JVZoo doesn't let affiliates buy from their own link. The system will throw an error blocking the purchase
        Well actually this should be edited to say: "JVZoo is not suppose to let an affiliate buy from there own link" .. considering that half of the JVZoo system does not work reliably I would not count on this working reliably either.

        Also what is to stop someone from just getting there 'friend' to buy from there own link for them. In the end its just something you need to live with.
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        • Profile picture of the author gwpmike
          Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

          Well actually this should be edited to say: "JVZoo is not suppose to let an affiliate buy from there own link" .. considering that half of the JVZoo system does not work reliably I would not count on this working reliably either.

          Also what is to stop someone from just getting there 'friend' to buy from there own link for them. In the end its just something you need to live with.

          I see. Where here's what I want to do, maybe you can give me some ideas.

          I want to have a store of products, where affiliates can refer others to the store through a referral link and all the products in the store will be tracked to that affiliate. People who come to the store can also become affiliates and refer others to the store. I am able to do this with JVZoo.

          However, how can I make it so people who come to the store are tracked to the affiliate who referred them, regardless of if they go to their own affiliate link on their computer? I want the system to "bypass" that person's own affiliate link and stay tracked to the person who referred them. How can I do this?
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  • Profile picture of the author thehypnoguy
    You can't. JVZoo pays commission to the last link through the door. Only other way would be to create your own affiliate program for your site.

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