Does Your Hosting Company Offer You Free Cloud Storage?

6 replies

I've noticed a trend over the past few months that I'm receiving e-mails from various hosting companies that I do business with that they're offering me 1 to 2 Gigs of free cloud storage.

I'm curious if your hosting companies are doing the same thing? I don't necessarily need to know their names, but am really curious what other Warrior experiences are.

Is your hosting company also offering you free cloud storage? Secondly, is it free forever or for a certain period of time or only as long as you stay hosting with them?

Thank you for your time,

#cloud #company #free #hosting #offer #storage
  • Profile picture of the author kre8ivecanada
    I pay for a separate monthly cloud storage service through my hosting provider.

    I know HostGator recently partnered with some sort of cloud hosting company I think and they gave 1GB worth of free storage to all HG members if I'm remembering the email correctly.
    Kre8ive Canada - One of the most creative & professional design service on Warrior Forum with a FULL portfolio.Currently offering 50% off our website pricing for WARRIORS ONLY: Banner Design - Landing Pages - Squeeze Pages - Amazingly Creative Website Design - WSO Sales Graphics - More!
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    • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
      Originally Posted by kre8ivecanada View Post

      I pay for a separate monthly cloud storage service through my hosting provider.

      I know HostGator recently partnered with some sort of cloud hosting company I think and they gave 1GB worth of free storage to all HG members if I'm remembering the email correctly.
      I missed that, but I hesitate to use any freebie, unless it's included as part of the plan, for something that might be important.


      ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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      • Profile picture of the author kre8ivecanada
        Originally Posted by RobinInTexas View Post

        I missed that, but I hesitate to use any freebie, unless it's included as part of the plan, for something that might be important.
        Oh absolutely. Can't blame you there.
        Kre8ive Canada - One of the most creative & professional design service on Warrior Forum with a FULL portfolio.Currently offering 50% off our website pricing for WARRIORS ONLY: Banner Design - Landing Pages - Squeeze Pages - Amazingly Creative Website Design - WSO Sales Graphics - More!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Haha. Absolutely. It's been trending for the last 2 months or so. (Maybe 1 month. My track of time is really bad).

    I've been getting spammed (I joke when I use the word "spam") incessantly about my free cloud storage from different hosts.

    I already have a massive dropbox/onedrive, so don't really need anymore.

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post


    I've noticed a trend over the past few months that I'm receiving e-mails from various hosting companies that I do business with that they're offering me 1 to 2 Gigs of free cloud storage.
    I have been with one single company for over 6 years and they never tried to sell me on anything.

    So the answer is NO.
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  • Profile picture of the author raresmp

    Right now I am using iPage and I received 1 GB Cloud Storage for free from the beginning of my plan.

    They say that I will benefit from this space as long as I am their customer but I don't really feel like I need it. I will stick with Dropbox and Google Drive.
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