Before I start - what exactly is a NUMPTY?
from the Urban dictionary:
Scottish usage:
a) Someone who (sometimes unwittingly) by speech or action demonstrates a lack of knowledge or misconception of a particular subject or situation to the amusement of others.
b) A good humoured admonition, a term of endearment
c) A reckless, absent minded or unwise person
a) "No. That wisnae wit she meant, ya big numpty!"
b) i.e. "Silly billy", "You big dafty"
c) "That numpty's driving with no lights on!"
This is something I was thinking about this morning when I heard on the news about the rumpus over the recent revelations on comments made by a member of the royal family. Then I log into this forum and someone is taking about 'newbies' being offended - so I had to say it - the world is full of politically correct numpty's - and right or wrong I believe many people think exactly the same but just won't come out and say so.
People are so scared of offending anyone these days it just doesn't make sense anymore - words are just words - whilst I agree it's wrong to be offensive towards anyone - some people really need to lighten up and get on with more important things that matter in life.
If I had taken offense at some of the things I've been called over the years I'd probably be peering out from a darkened room somewhere too scared to venture out into the world....
There was even something in the papers this week that some believe name calling in the playground is a good thing for na na na na....
At every level of society people have labels, be it due to their country of birth, the job they do or just how they behave, their mannerisms etc. and somewhere along the way someone will dream up a slang term - mostly they're just harmless terminologies - some I admit can be offensive - but I do think too many have taken PC too far for too long!
oops -- its time to take the Sunday lunch out of the oven.......
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