Delivering brochures B2B - 100% success so far..but how does it work?

9 replies
Ok..tabloid headline..but I figured I'd deliver some brochures to local businesses. And after delivering 3 brochures (just putting them in company mailboxes) ONE of the called us the day after and boom - a new client. We provide health services for businesses btw.

So..ok..we have to do more of this. And i try to google all i can, but I cant find ANYTHING about this. Is this a hidden gem or was i extremely lucky because this doesnt work AT ALL?

I kinda liked it..walking around looking for open doors and mailboxes.

Anyone have any experience with this?
#100% #b2b #brochures #delivering #farbut #success #work
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Sometimes a thread just makes me chuckle - thanks!

    You delivered THREE flyers and got one client - ONE THIRD OF THOSE CONTACTED BECAME A CLIENT.

    So - instead of hitting the pavement and delivering a few hundred brochures you are doing google searches and asking on a forum 'does this work'? If people tell you 'waste of time' will you move on t something else?

    See why I'm chuckling? Deliver 100 more brochures and let us know how it works.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Welcome to social media....a person who does not understand humor will contact you shortly.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11486046].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Sometimes a thread just makes me chuckle - thanks!

      You delivered THREE flyers and got one client - ONE THIRD OF THOSE CONTACTED BECAME A CLIENT.

      So - instead of hitting the pavement and delivering a few hundred brochures you are doing google searches and asking on a forum 'does this work'? If people tell you 'waste of time' will you move on t something else?

      See why I'm chuckling? Deliver 100 more brochures and let us know how it works.
      I can't remember hard liquor, it's been 25 years...but, I'm sure a pint of bourbon would kill off fewer brain cells than the current WF, and posts like this. Which is why I ONLY sip a few moments a day here, these days.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11486121].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jmosticc22
    Find a company that will send out mass mailers for an entire zipcode or specific demographic. It will take the walking around out for you but your brochures will reach many more businesses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    In 1983 Jay Levinson published "guerrilla marketing"

    It was a low cost bible for businesses wanting to generate results via doing similar things to what you did.

    Have you read it?

    The concepts still live on and you might like to look at how jay expanded that initial publication into an empire. - Guerrilla Marketing - Official Site

    As for why you got a client the best pace to find out would be to ask them.

    Have you done that?

    Their answer may hold the secret you are looking for or it might shatter your perceptions.

    If you don't ask you will never know.

    Please come back and share why they decided to use your services.

    I'm really hoping for an exciting story like. . .

    "We were in a bar last night and Dynamo came up to us and he said he had a premonition about a card or letter that was going to drop in our mailbox" - the rest is history.

    Best regards,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11486324].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikinghustler
      Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

      In 1983 Jay Levinson published "guerrilla marketing"

      It was a low cost bible for businesses wanting to generate results via doing similar things to what you did.

      Have you read it?

      The concepts still live on and you might like to look at how jay expanded that initial publication into an empire. - Guerrilla Marketing - Official Site

      As for why you got a client the best pace to find out would be to ask them.

      Have you done that?

      Their answer may hold the secret you are looking for or it might shatter your perceptions.

      If you don't ask you will never know.

      Please come back and share why they decided to use your services.

      I'm really hoping for an exciting story like. . .

      "We were in a bar last night and Dynamo came up to us and he said he had a premonition about a card or letter that was going to drop in our mailbox" - the rest is history.

      Best regards,

      Thanks for the inspiration man!
      I will!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11487432].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by Vikinghustler View Post

    Ok..tabloid headline..but I figured I'd deliver some brochures to local businesses. And after delivering 3 brochures (just putting them in company mailboxes) ONE of the called us the day after and boom - a new client. We provide health services for businesses btw.

    So..ok..we have to do more of this. And i try to google all i can, but I cant find ANYTHING about this. Is this a hidden gem or was i extremely lucky because this doesnt work AT ALL?

    I kinda liked it..walking around looking for open doors and mailboxes.

    Anyone have any experience with this?
    There is no way of knowing how many responses you'll get unless you deliver hundreds...and wait a few days for the response.

    i once had a brand new salesman brag to me that he had a "100% closing average". I asked how many sales he made to establish that record....he said "I pitched my Mom, and she bought. So I'm at 100%".

    i think the real thing to get out of this is that you dropped off the brochures personally.

    And.....if you want to make this really work, just ask a few questions when you drop off the brochure. It's the fact that you are there talking to them...that makes this work. The brochure is incidental.

    Don't mail the brochures. You'll get very little response. Deliver them personally, and engage in a conversation.

    I speak from experience.
    One Call Closing book

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11486394].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikinghustler
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      There is no way of knowing how many responses you'll get unless you deliver hundreds...and wait a few days for the response.

      i once had a brand new salesman brag to me that he had a "100% closing average". I asked how many sales he made to establish that record....he said "I pitched my Mom, and she bought. So I'm at 100%".

      i think the real thing to get out of this is that you dropped off the brochures personally.

      And.....if you want to make this really work, just ask a few questions when you drop off the brochure. It's the fact that you are there talking to them...that makes this work. The brochure is incidental.

      Don't mail the brochures. You'll get very little response. Deliver them personally, and engage in a conversation.

      I speak from experience.

      Hey, thanks!

      I'm trying to find info on different strategies, but I cannot find anything at all. That's why I am a little baffled. It worked at least once..but no one seems to be doing it..or are they, but no one talks about it because it is so effective? I dont get it...

      What I'm kinda wondering about is different strategies to get into office buildings how hard do you want to push, what comes off as rude etc. Im not in the US so the culture might be a little bit different, although I am based in a very western european country so the business culture is not that different.

      Basically just wondering if anyone has any experience with delivering out brochures, leaflets, flyers to businesses and what their strategies has been- and if it worked or not.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11487431].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Vikinghustler View Post

        Hey, thanks!

        I'm trying to find info on different strategies, but I cannot find anything at all. That's why I am a little baffled. It worked at least once..but no one seems to be doing it..or are they, but no one talks about it because it is so effective? I dont get it...

        What I'm kinda wondering about is different strategies to get into office buildings how hard do you want to push, what comes off as rude etc. Im not in the US so the culture might be a little bit different, although I am based in a very western european country so the business culture is not that different.

        Basically just wondering if anyone has any experience with delivering out brochures, leaflets, flyers to businesses and what their strategies has been- and if it worked or not.

        THIS is my primary method for onboarding local clients. I may not always have a flier.. but I always have a business card. You can go find some thread were I explain how I use Google Contribute to get new business... and I am just walking business to business doing a little online thing with the owner handing them a card and coming back a week or 2 later to show the owner the results from the first visit.

        And to answer are other people doing it.. NOT MANY... walking around talking to people that's to much like work.. everyone thinks online advertising is better.. but the reality is it ISNT.. but it appears to be EASIER. you can sit in your boxers and get new clients! hahaha
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    If you're in the USA, don't put them directly into a mailbox some law against that.

    If you're in the USA, you can also deliver them via EDDM (, just choose delivery only to business addresses. (That assumes that all types of businesses can use what you're selling.)

    You can go to chamber of commerce events and talk a bit, give them the brochure, jump with joy.

    Originally Posted by Vikinghustler View Post

    Ok..tabloid headline..but I figured I'd deliver some brochures to local businesses. And after delivering 3 brochures (just putting them in company mailboxes) ONE of the called us the day after and boom - a new client. We provide health services for businesses btw.

    So..ok..we have to do more of this. And i try to google all i can, but I cant find ANYTHING about this. Is this a hidden gem or was i extremely lucky because this doesnt work AT ALL?

    I kinda liked it..walking around looking for open doors and mailboxes.

    Anyone have any experience with this?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11486500].message }}
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