Just made my first appointment - scared sh**less- Please advise

Tried mailing postcards = no response
Tried emailing= no response
Found the balls to make phone calls to local area restaurants - made 20 calls - got my first appointment for this coming monday morning.
- They advertise in local clipper magaizine (coupon)
- They don't have facebook or email marketing because he doesn't like to maintain it.
- He's interested in getting customers to come in more regularly.
- He has 2 locations.
I'm thinking of talking about email and sms - as a direct way to get customers in.
But also want to talk about facebook (since he mentioned it) he said, do you guys do Facebook? I said Yes.
They have karaoke on Friday and Saturday - and it could be a good conversation on Facebook.
He sounds like a bear on the phone - all no's - but then something happened and he asked me about Facebook.
So...... I don't want to make it too complicated - do I talk about all 3, Facebook, SMS, Email?
I feel SMS and email will help him bring in more business than Facebook.
So What Should I Do? Lead with all 3? Lead with just Facebook(since he mentioned it) Or Lead with SMS and email marketing which is why I'm calling restaurants - thinking sms and email will drive people more frequently and during slow times.
I don't have any printed brochures - just business card (and website) - I can create letter head on my printer if you feel I need it.
Also - I was thinking email and SMS at $350 a month - if I create it, manage it, maintain it.
Facebook at $100 to set it up and $250 to make daily status updates - drive engagement -
I live in Southern California - so it's not a cheap area - but businesses are hurting and their lease/rents are high - so budgets may be super low. (From what I heard on a few phone calls today - they say I'd love marketing help but don't have even $50 a month for it)
I'm nervous, excited and scared sh**less. I have had a few local businesses that I've worked with for free ( email, Facebook and a website - but haven't done SMS yet)
I'd love any advice you guys have! I want to do this as well as possible and not make too many newbie mistakes. This could be my first paying customer.
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