The 8 Simple Rules of Sales
In this video I share with you my 8 Simple Rules of Selling which I teach to not only my own sales reps but also to sales professionals of other companies. What I have found is that by and large the biggest obstacle sales people face limiting their success is a lack of confidence. Sadly, this lack of confidence usually comes from feeling kinda "icky" about our profession. Far too many sales people seem to be either a bit ashamed or embarrassed about being in sales. This is sad because in truth, sales is one of the most distinguished careers anyone can have if you're offering products and services that hold real value and you're marketing them in honest and ethical ways.
I firmly believe that any sales person who is willing to lie to his/her clients to close a deal doesn't deserve the sale to begin with. And any sales coach who teaches that you have to bend the truth a little to succeed is not only wrong but is also responsible for destroying our profession and helping to facilitate the lack of confidence that many sales people have. That mentality serves only to foster the internal sleezeball feelings that many an honest sales guy or gal has about himself. So my advice, always speak the truth and only promote/sell products and services that you believe in and that can benefit or give value to your clients. If you can do those two things while keeping my 8 simple rules in mind, you will find it near impossible to keep from holding your head high with confidence and integrity. And best of all, if you find it easy to hold your head high with confidence and integrity, you're also going to find that each of the steps of the sales process become that much easier to master.
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