How to build a sales force on a shoe string budget.
There are two other off liners who have asked me about this
that are currently looking for offices.
also i owe an explanation from another post about
" building not finding " a sales force.
So i figured i would start this thread and try to roll it all into one.
First, as we all know, i am a phone guy. I know this works for
phone rooms, because i have done it.
However i believe this will will work for door to door sales as well.
But i am not positive, because i have never built a door to door
sales force.
This is a model that i was taught and have added to, it has never failed once.
It is a model i will never stop using.
I will explain my "system" ( i hate that word ) but it is exactly that.
i will show you my system, and then show you how to build the
same system on a budget ... please understand i did not say at no cost
i said on a budget. It takes money to make money, i am just
going to show you how to get the best bang for your buck.
This is currently what happens if you come to my company for a sales job.
You get interviewed, get asked about past experience, asked for referrals,
and then you read a script into a recorder. ( not our real script )
Then sent home. Some one else listens to the recording.
if they like what they hear, the applicant gets to come back.
we don't bother with the referrals, we don't really care about them.
we care about the experience and the recording.
If you have "to" much experience, or have worked for a company where
we know they have sleazy sales tactics, we wont hire you.
If you can read a pitch cold, under pressure, and you don't sound horrible
we will give you a chance.
You now have to go through training.
Training is 6 weeks.
( it is really 8 but we tell them 6 )
Week one they sit in a class room, with a trainer ... dry erase board and all.
They are then taught the products, Inside and out.
they are provided written material explaining the products, answering
questions, ect.
They are provided the scripts and rebuttals.
We also have a pbx system where the trainees can hear live sales
from any of the sales person on the floor.
During that week that are expected to memorize the scripts and rebuttals
we even break them up into pairs and make them pitch each other.
They are also expected to memorize the products.
During this process they are tested, those that don't look like they "have it"
are generally cut. those that fail the test get cut.
last phase at the end of the week , if they have passed all the written tests
and oral script test ( proving they memorized them and the rebuttals )
they have to record one pitch from memory.
that's it, week one of training is complete.
that doesn't mean they have a job yet. The final recording goes
to the floor manager. If the manager does not like the recording
they are cut, and no moving on.
Week 2 and 3 ---
These two weeks are designed to get rid of the whiners and quitters.
It is also designed to start teaching accountability, confidence and sales 101.
There is a training teacher / manager for each set of training.
this is where they meet the first one.
When the newbies get on the phone they generally sound like crap,
completely unsure of them selves....
So we give them the worst leads we have. Our leads are segmented
We alphabetize them as campaigns. The leads they are calling are called "D"
Every single sales person in this office .. has spent two weeks calling that list.
Same list, no exceptions. These companies ( the ones who have not been asked
to be removed ) have literally been called 1000's of times...
They have two weeks to make a sale, and move onto the next step of training.
With the "D" leads, if they don't they are fired.
Their teacher / manager is also on the phones selling ( not in a "D" camping )
They can listen to him, and when they are stuck, or he hears some thing wrong
he takes the time to teach them properly, and even TO a deal for them.
These guys are all sitting in a square next to each other, so they can feed of
each other and learn... and the teacher / manger ... is making sales while
helping them.. so it adds to the "i can do this" mentality.
The sales manager makes commission for each sale, he helps the trainees get.
( this is to ensure he does his job properly )
week 4.
same deal just with "C" campaign. These leads are slightly better...
which just means instead of being called 1000 times... they might have been
called 500.... lol. like i said slightly better.
The sales teacher /manager spends more time with them on technique
they should have already started sounding confident. and they got at least
one sale, or they would not have made it to this group.
again, trainer gets commission based on trainee sales.
again, no sales in this week, your cut. no moving on.
week 5 and 6 are exactly the same, no sales in those weeks ... your cut.
they also have trainers helping them.the only difference
is they leads campaigns get better each week.
with the exception, that during week 6 if you do not get at least
one sale, with out a TO, then you will be cut.
you have to show you can get sales with out relying on any crutches.
By week 6, we have weeded out all the liars, the ones who cant follow
directions, the ones who don't have what it takes. and they have
started to make more then one sale a week.
Week 7 and 8.
They are put onto the main floor. They think they have passed all training
and have are officially hired. In reality they are... and they aren't.
Now the floor manager, has eyes and ears on.
He has the ultimate say, if he thinks your not cut out for this
then your out.
Those final two weeks your on "A" leads... if you cant sell these leads
your wasting our leads and we don't want you.
also during those last two weeks, we have inhouse compliance monitors
they listen to them, all day every day for two weeks.
They have a list of things you can and cannot say.. all things you have been
already taught. They take notes .. cross over the line they make a report
and give it to the floor manager. 3 strikes... your out.
3 strikes your out, applies to every sales person .. no exceptions.
These compliance monitors are a group of retired ladies who
who have been taught .... there only job is to make sure...
we don't ( as a company ) get in trouble by selling in a way
that makes us vulnerable.
Now if your not fired in those two weeks ... you are now officially
one of the gang. and you have already paid the company back on
its investment in you ( via sales )
you are now on 90 days probation ( that has nothing to do with sales )
and everything to do with, showing up on time, coming back
from lunch.. not showing up drunk. ect.
after your 90 days are up. benefits kick in ect.
Ok, here is the bad news.
The odds of making it to the main floor are about 1 per 100.
the good news.
they are bad asses in the making. They don't want to go any where.
and you will make boat loads of return off of the initial training.
btw training for us is never really over, we do morning mojo meetings
that teach everyone each others style, gets the vibe humming
and the vets love show boating with advanced tactics.
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What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
Don't focus on the money - focus on the plan!
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
Ill put in work, and watch my status escalate"