Move blog post to new domain + Change content (possible??)

2 replies
  • SEO
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Hi Warriors!

I have two blogs and I want to move one blog post from "Blog A" to "Blog B". I then want to tell the search engines that this post is now at "Blog B" so I don't lose any page rankings/SEO.

But here's the other things... I want to update the content in this blog post also (because it's dated). So basically, I want to move the blog post to my other blog and update the content.

Is there anyway to keep the content on the old blog but somehow tell the search engines you want the blog post at "Blog B" ranked and not "Blog A" (Blog A was where it was originally created)?

Is this possible? And how do you recommend I do this?

Thank you very much for any recommendations or tips you have.
#blog #change #content #domain #move #post
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    It is what 301 redirects were designed for. You will want to 301 redirect each individual post to the corresponding new URL on the other site.

    You will need to maintain ownership of the old site and keep it hosted somewhere so that the redirects stay in place.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11243049].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author johnsimth
    301 redirect is the best way redirect the old URL to new one. It is method of telling search engines that a web page has been permanently moved to another URL.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11243731].message }}
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