I have made a great site with about 25 pages of content, each page has 400 to 600 words. I currently have about 90 backlinks and just out sourced 300 backlinks from a fellow warrior. From that 300 backlinks 60 goes to individual pages that I am trying to rank for which will soon bring my backlink total to almost 400. Now what I don't understand is how a crappy MFA site continues to out rank me, I currently sit at number 5 on the first page of google and the sit I speak of is currently at number 2. This site only has 5 backlinks and 1 of them is no-follow, the site is only a month older than mine so I just don't get why it continues to sit at number 2 while I have better content+more backlinks. My only other competition is other MFA sites, how long will it be before I can see my site rise above these other MFA sites.
Here are the stats for the keyword that I am trying to rank for as seen in micro niche finder.
exact phrase/local search count 5,400
competing sites-6,700
ad cost 8.14
mob 0
soc 20/green light
I know I shouldn't rush, my site is only 6 weeks old but so are the other sites I am competing against, maybe I just need to wait and see how things turn out. I would like to thank my fellow warriors in advance for any suggestions or help that may be provided though this discussion.
#content #crappy #mfa #quality #rank #site #sites
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